  • 學位論文


Marriage decision-making and experience of married same-sex couples under the minority stress

指導教授 : 沈瓊桃


過往同志少數族群壓力研究多聚焦在未婚同志個人或伴侶關係上,對已婚同性伴侶的壓力處境少有著墨,儘管臺灣在2019年通過同性準婚姻制度,但其仍然在已婚同性伴侶的關鍵權益上有所缺漏,許多同性伴侶婚前婚後都可能遭遇來自家庭、職場、社會以及家庭政策的歧視與不平等。因此本研究著力於同性婚姻婚前後少數族群壓力深入解析,探究同性婚姻政策可能帶給同性伴侶的吸引力與困境。 本研究採質性研究取向,經過立意抽樣,選取年滿20歲,依748施行法於戶政機關辦理結婚登記,且有遭受歧視經驗之同性伴侶為對象,合計訪談11位同志,生理性別為5位男性與6位女性,並採用主題分析法輔以半結構式訪談大綱,分別從結婚原因、婚前疑慮與婚後少數族群壓力進行剖析。 研究結果顯示同志結婚的原因,包括享有法律權利與保障、消除少數族群壓力、完成線性的家庭圖像等。而對同婚的疑慮上,包括遭受父母肢體或語言暴力、剝奪財產繼承權、禁止子女宣布婚訊、男同志面臨職場權力剝奪,女同志則擔憂影響升遷、因應戶政非自願出櫃風險等。在婚後少數族群壓力上,包括父母拒絕公開子女同婚關係、出櫃可能失去工作機會、收養無血緣子女無法擁有雙親親權、子女身分證登記方式差別對待、婚後生育子女無法適用婚生推定、同志無法適用人工生殖政策、高成本跨國人工生殖壓力等。 根據上述研究結果,本研究提出實務、政策與學術研究層面的相關建議。實務面上,應瞭解已婚同性伴侶面臨的獨特壓力情境並提供支持;政策面上,應儘速修法通過同志收養子女共同親權、開放已婚同性伴侶適用人工生殖法;在學術研究面上,建議可增加對同志家庭的社會態度調查。


Previous minority stress research has focused on unmarried LGBT; less is known regarding the impacts of minority stress on married same-sex couples specifically. Despite the monumental victory of marriage equality for Taiwan’s same-sex couples in 2019, there are voids in the legal protection afforded to married same-sex couples. Many same-sex couples continue to experience discrimination in their families, workplace, and communities. This study focuses on the reasons for their doubts about, and minority stress experience of, marriage for same-sex couples, including the role of minority stress. This study analyses same-sex couples who have applied for same-sex marriage registration pursuant to the Act for Implementation of J.Y. Interpretation No. 748. A qualitative approach is employed; after purpose sampling, 11 married LGBT (5 gay and 6 lesbian) were interviewed. This study adopts the thematic analysis research method and semi-structured interviews were conducted individually. Same-sex couples were attracted to marriage as a means of gaining legal protection, relieving minority stress and to the accomplish a relational continuum of love-marriage-family. Couples considering marriage were challenged by physical or verbal abuse from parents, disinheritance, wedding announcement, prohibition and coming out involuntarily by household registration authority. After marriage, couples experienced having no right to adopt each other's adopted children, and the assisted reproductive technologies (ART) medical resources are limited to hetero-married spouses. Based on the current research results, we suggest amending the law so same-sex couples can be granted full rights of adoption and rights to ART, as well as paying more attention to research concerning the impacts of minority stress on same-sex couples.


中央健康保險署(2019年6月15日)。【健保報馬仔】同婚專法通過你該知道的健保小知識。衛福部中央健康保險署電子報(第475期)。線上檢索日期:2021年8月27日。資料來源:https://www.nhi.gov.tw/Content_List.aspx?n=6F757C6436633585 topn=95375F97BB88B39D
中華民國行政院性別平等會(2021年6月1日)。同性婚姻結婚、終止結婚對數。線上檢索日期:2021年12月1日。資料來源:https://www.gender.ey.gov.tw/gecdb/Stat_Statistics_DetailData.aspx?sn=c6qMv7W9Ye0PiAP9dVE8gA%40%40 d=m9ww9odNZAz2Rc5Ooj%24wIQ%40%40
