  • 學位論文


A study on the key factors affecting green products design – taking home appliances as an example

指導教授 : 曹以明


工業與經濟發展,除了為人類文明帶來進步外,也對環境帶來傷害,家電是人類日常生活接觸頻繁的產業,這些家電用品都需消耗大量能源,也產生大量的廢棄物其中可能包含有毒物質,增加回收處理問題及難度,並造成環境負擔。本研究依據綠色設計文獻的探討篩選出18項評估準則,再經由問卷訪談8位專家學者,利用T檢定篩選問卷結果,選出14項評估準則並依專家意見建構本研究層級架構,經由層級分析法 (Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP),探討專家、環保人員、家電業者、民眾,針對影響綠色產品設計關鍵因素之看法與意見。本研究問卷樣本為50份,剔除無效問卷後實際有效問卷為41份。從研究結果發現整體受訪者認為影響綠色產品設計關鍵因素之權重值排序最為重要的依序為「太陽能」、「耗能產品生態化設計要求」、「水力能」、「提高運輸效率」、「省電裝置」。另外,從研究數據中我們發現專家類別、性別、年齡及教育程度對影響綠色產品設計關鍵因素的排序略有差異。從專家類別中,可得知專家與環保人員在影響綠色產品設計關鍵因素看法並無差異,而家電業者認為耗能產品生態化設計要求是關鍵因素,民眾認為有害物質限用是關鍵因素;從性別來看,男性認為回收再生材料為重要因素,女性則認為耗能產品生態化設計要求為重要因素;從年齡層來看,40歲以下的認為耗能產品生態化設計與清潔生產為關鍵因素, 40歲以上的則偏向水力能與省電裝置為關鍵因素;而從教育程度來看,研究所、大學、高中對於影響綠色產品設計關鍵因素看法及重要排序不同。


The development of industry and economy improves human civilization but also damages our environment. The appliance industry is essential for our daily lives, but consumes huge energy and even leads to large amount of trash which might contain some hazardous substances that resulting into recycle problems and dramatically hazarding our environment. This study aims to identify key factors for green designing in order to help the appliances industry producing electrical household products friendly treating our environment. We apply literature review and expert questionnaire to construct AHP structure to identify these key factors. Scanning by 8 experts, 14 factors are selected from 18 candidates taken from literature and a four-level AHP structure is constructed as our questionnaire tool to measure and identify key factors for green appliances designing by a sample of 50 reviewers. The resulting shows key factors affecting green products design are solar energy, requirement for Eco-design of energy-using products, hydropower, improvement of transport efficiency, energy saver. The resulting also shows some differences of key factors are identified by expert’s category, gender, age, and educational background. Appliances manufacturers recognize requiring eco-design for energy-consuming products is the most important factors, and consumers recognize restricting hazardous substances. By gender’s perspective, male recognize recycled materials is the most important factors, and requiring eco-design for energy-consuming products for female views. By different age’s perspective, the olds recognize energy product eco-design and clean production are the most important factors, and hydropower and energy saving for the young people.


