  • 學位論文

台灣與日本飯店網頁的文字表現服務要素之關聯 以飯店網頁為主

The correlation between management philosophy and the presentation and connotation of website text which describes the services provided by Taiwanese and Japanese hotels

指導教授 : 黃幸素
共同指導教授 : 保里乃玲(Hori Nai-Rei)


近年來,由於旅行、網路的普及,透過網路蒐集資訊是相當便利。網路也是消費者查詢資訊的管道,且現今的消費旅遊型態不只限於團體旅行,自助旅行也相當普遍,消費者可以透過網路搜索旅遊行程與訂房。因此,飯店網頁集結所有資訊於網頁中公告,消費者可透過網頁上的文字了解飯店所提供的服務,透過飯店網頁的功能選項查詢自身的需求。 故本論文以台灣和日本的飯店網頁作為研究對象,從台灣和日本的旅行社入住該飯店的次數較高者,挑選出台灣台北16間和日本東京24間,一共40間飯店為本文的研究範圍。 飯店網頁的功能是提供給消費者資訊,飯店業者透過飯店網頁的文字來傳達飯店的經營理念、以及讓消費者了解該飯店提供的服務。 故本論文的研究內容是針對台日飯店網頁中所呈現的經營理念與功能選項,了解飯店是如何提供服務,以及文字資訊中所呈現的服務要素為何,進行比較分析。 最後本論文的研究結果主要有兩點。一、台灣飯店網頁所呈現的經營理念較為多元,日本飯店網頁的經營理念較為單一性。二、在網頁項目的功能選項方面其文字表現:1.台灣飯店較為抽象 2.日本飯店一目了然讓消費者較容易點選。


In recent years, traveling has increased in popularity, and use of the internet to research travel is very convenient. Internet has become a major way for consumers to seek out information. The travel types are not confined to group travel. Individual travel has also become quite popular these days. Consumers can make their own reservations, plan trips and make schedules through the internet. It is important that hotel websites can provide sufficient information for the consumer to understand the hotel’s available services and allow the customer to make reservations or fulfill other demands. The subjects of research in this study were Taiwan and Japanese hotel websites. 16 Taiwanese hotel websites and 24 Japanese hotel websites were selected. The function of these hotel websites is to provide information to customers including the hotel's business philosophy and services that the hotel offers. This paper studies the methods and resources available to Taiwanese and Japanese hotels to provide a better understanding of how and why services elements should be provided to consumers using the internet. Overall conclusions of the hotels surveyed within this paper are: 1. Management philosophies of the Taiwanese hotels are more diverse than those of Japanese hotels. 2. Hotel services are provided as an overview on Taiwanese hotel websites, while Japanese websites provide the user with more straightforward access and interaction with service elements.


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