  • 學位論文


Discussion with the minimum standards applicable to the most advantageous tender

指導教授 : 李建興
共同指導教授 : 晏揚清(Yang-Cing Yan)


機關辦理採購,應以高效用低價格之產品為決標對象,以符合機關最大利益及社會期待;惟實務上經常無法兼顧,在高效用與低價格無法同時納為決標條件時,即衍生應犧牲價格選用高效用產品,或捨部分效用採購低價格產品之選擇問題。 政府採購法所規範之決標方式,依其競標精神歸納,不外於「最低標」及「最有利標」兩種,最低標之選商模式在於「最低價格」,利用標價競爭之機制,使機關能以最低之價格取得所需之產品,然因僅從事價格之競爭,廠商易產生以低劣品降低成本之動機,在功能、效益或特性上無法提升;最有利標之選商模式在於「擇優」,利用決標條件之多元化,鼓勵廠商主動提供專業、遠見及創意之企劃,透過選擇最能符合機關需求及執行契約之廠商,使機關所獲之產品較具保障,惟標的均須具有「異質性」(政府採購法第52條),機關若未能審查其價格合理性,或對市場行情了解程度不夠、或商情查訪有所偏失,容易予得標廠商超額利潤,遭致浪費質疑。 為使各機關採購人員對前述兩種決標方式之適用狀況能有更深入了解,進而有效解決採購作業窒礙,本研究透過相關文獻、現行法規及其他釋函資料之蒐整及建議,提供各機關、公立學校及公營事業單位後續採購參考運用(政府採購法第3條)


政府採購 決標 最低標 最有利標


Authority for procurement, should be used in an efficient low-cost products for the awarding of the object, the largest organ of interest and to comply with social expectations; but often fail to take into account the practice in the efficient use and low price can not be simultaneously satisfied the conditions for the award, which derived Prices should sacrifice selection of efficient use of products, or rounded part of the utility's low purchase price of the product selection. Standardize the manner of awarding government procurement law, according to their bid spiritual induction, no more than in the "minimum standard" and two kinds of "standard most favorable" minimum standards for the election business model is that the "minimum price" mechanism to take advantage of price competition, so that authorities can obtain the necessary products at the lowest price, and then only by engaging in price competition, firms prone to poor motivation to reduce the cost of goods, can not improve on the features, benefits or features; most advantageous tender for the contractor selection mode that "merit", the use of diverse conditions of the award, to encourage manufacturers to take the initiative to provide professional, creative vision and planning, through the choice that best meets the needs of agencies and vendors to perform the contract, so the authority granted to the more protection products, but are subject must have "heterogeneous" (Government Procurement Law 52), organ failure to examine the reasonableness of the price or level of understanding is not enough for the market, or selling some visits Deviation, easy excess profits to the winning tenderer, was To waste questioned. To enable the agency procurement staff to determine the applicable conditions of the preceding two standard ways to have a better understanding of, and thus effectively solve procurement practices hinder the search through the entire study and recommendations related literature, interpretation of existing regulations, and other information letter, provided each agencies, public schools and public institutions with reference to the use of a subsequent purchase (Government Procurement Law Article 3).


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