  • 學位論文


Investigation of work value, emotional intelligence and career needs in nurses of different generations

指導教授 : 許玫琪
共同指導教授 : 顏永杰(Yung-Chieh Yen)


本研究目的在探討不同世代護理人員的工作價值觀及情緒智能與生涯需求是否有差異,以高雄某區域教學醫院及其3分院之護理人員為對象,本研究納入784名護理人員為研究對象,研究工具包括工作價值觀量表、情緒智能量表及生涯需求量表。研究結果顯示,以X、Y世代區分,X世代為1976年以前出生者;Y世代為1977年以後出生者,其中有306位為X世代 (39.03%) 、有478位為Y世代 (60.97%) ,而研究對象平均年齡為35.69歲;護理人員對工作價值觀量表之描述性分析結果,「利他主義」、「工作滿足感」、「專業自主性」、「專業發展性」及「成就感與聲望」構面的平均分數依序為3.97、3.66、3.62、3.67及3.56,而以整體工作價值觀量表的平均分數為3.68;對情緒智能量表之描述性分析結果,「身心健康」、「自我控制」、「情緒能力」及「社交能力」構面的平均分數依序為4.43、4.27、4.44及4.03,而以整體情緒智能量表的平均分數為4.30;對生涯需求量表之描述性分析結果,生涯目標需求的平均分數為3.84;生涯任務需求的平均分數為3.80;生涯挑戰需求的平均分數為3.80,而以整體生涯需求量表的平均分數為3.80。在「工作價值觀」總構面中,X世代的工作價值觀認同程度顯著高於Y世代;在「情緒智能」總構面中,X世代情緒智能在認同程度顯著高於Y世代;在「生涯需求」總構面中,不同世代在認同程度上則無顯著差異。不同世代的價值觀不同,工作價值觀越高護理照顧品質上升。不同世代情緒智能也不同,情緒智能高在面對問題解決效果佳。而不同世代生涯需求無差異。藉由此結果提供醫院管理者與不同世代護理人員相處之道,縮短彼此想法及差距,善用其能力與激發其潛能,避免因彼此間缺乏瞭解而產生之磨擦,提升護理工作品質及效能。


This study aims to explore the difference in work values, emotional intelligence and career needs in nurses of different generations. This study included 784 nurses from a regional hospital and its three branches in southern Taiwan. The outcome measures included Work Value Scale, Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form (TEIQue-SF) and Career Needs Scale (CNS). The X generation was nurses born before 1976 and Y generation born after 1977. There were 306 nurses of X generation (39.03%) and 478 nurses of Y generation (60.97%) with an average age of 35.69 years. The results were distinct between the X and Y generations. The mean overall scores of the subscales of nurses’ work values, namely altruism, job satisfaction, professional autonomy, professional development and accomplishment and prestige were 3.97, 3.66, 3.62, 3.67 and 3.56, respectively. The mean overall score of the work values was 3.68. The mean scores of wellbeing, self-control, emotionality and sociability of the TEIQue-SF were 4.43, 4.27, 4.44 and 4.03, respectively. The overall mean score for the TEIQue-SF was 4.30. The overall mean score of career needs scale was 3.80. The mean score of the subscale of career goals needs, career task needs and career challenges needs were 3.84,3.80 and 3.80, respectively. Furthermore, the generation X had significantly higher work values than the generation Y. The emotional intelligence was also significantly higher in generation X than generation Y. However, career needs showed no significant difference in these two generations. Different generations showed different work values. Work value increases, the quality of nursing care also improve. The study also found that different generations have different emotional intelligence. There was no significant difference found in career needs in the two generations. The results of the present study provide useful information for the hospital administrators and nurses to decrease the gap between different generations since the generation gap may cause conflicts in relationship and lead to feel unpleasant when nurses from the different generations work closely together.


