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研究生: 孔瑜
Kong Yu
論文名稱: 互動概念運用於伴侶寵物照護裝置創作研究
Application of Interactive Concept on Companion Pet Care Device Design
指導教授: 劉建成
Liu, Chien-Cheng
Huang, Hsin-Chien
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 121
中文關鍵詞: 互動設計互動裝置伴侶寵物寵物心理
英文關鍵詞: interactive design, interactive device, companion pet, pet psychology
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001100
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:133下載:17
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  • 互動設計是現代信息社會的一種主流設計發展方向,而寵物的需求是非語言的互動方式關注的重點。當今飼養寵物的環境越來越多樣化,生活節奏快、獨自在外工作缺乏安全感等原因,讓越來越多人萌生飼養養寵物之想法。每當飼主外出時,寵物需獨自留守屋內,這期間有大量時間是寵物獨自處於封閉的空間內度過。如若寵物沒有學習過獨處,過度依賴飼主,則容易患上「寵物分離焦慮症」。因此關注寵物心理給予寵物全方面的陪伴是照護寵物身心健康的必要途徑。經本研究調查,發現市面已有多種伴侶寵物互動照護裝置,本研究把伴侶寵物互動照護裝置分為互動型伴侶寵物產品與智能型伴侶寵物產品。智能型伴侶寵物產品具有互動光斑功能的案例皆為單一元素的紅外線圓點光斑,本創作旨在探索寵物與光斑互動方式的可變性。本研究籍由各類文獻內容探討何謂寵物,以及理解寵物對人的醫療體系之影響。亦探究互動設計相關文獻理論與應用。將諸多文獻資料整合發現人與產品、寵物與產品三者的互動媒介分為「知覺」和「管道」兩部分,寵物和人兩者間的互動裝置(產品或服務)的介面可分為「輸入面」和「輸出面」,在人與裝置的互動中納入寵物,形成人、裝置、寵物三者的互動模式。人與寵物透過裝置的互動模式為後續案例研究與構築設計創作建立理論支持。在研究方法上透過文獻分析法、個案研究法與無預設答案的開放式訪談法綜合應用,透過歸納得出伴侶寵物用品在互動裝置方面發展之設計趨勢。在創作設計方面透過文獻的整理與分析,十六個個案比較分析與五位飼主的訪談結果,以創作從飼主與寵物之雙面角度解讀寵物和飼主的不同需求,運用互動設計概念與寵物更偏愛之元素結合創作出全新的寵物照護陪伴之裝置。最後獲致結論如下:一、互動設計是現代信息社會的一種主流設計發展方向;二、互動過程中更需加以審視人與寵物的互動方式、裝置所採用的互動技術,而最終所呈現的互動表現之效果更需加以理解;三、寵物的需求是非語言的互動方式關注的重點。

    Interactive design is a popular design trend in the modern information society. The pet’s needs are one of the major concerns of nonverbal interactions. Today the external environment of pet keeping activities is becoming more and more diversified. Due to the fast pace of life and the lack of security for those who work alone away from home, more and more people would like to keep pets. When the owner goes out, the pet needs to stay at home alone. During the time, it spends much time alone in a closed space. If it relies too much on the owner and has not learned to stay alone, it is likely to suffer from separation anxiety. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to pets’ mental state and give them comprehensive companionship to keep them healthy physically and mentally.
    Through investigation, this study finds that there are various kinds of interactive care devices for companion pets in the market. In this study, the pet interactive care devices are divided into interactive pet products and intelligent pet companion products. In the cases of intelligent companion pet products with interactive laser function, the laser spots are all single-element infrared light spot. This study aims to explore the variability of the interaction pattern between pet and laser spot. Through the literature review, this study discusses the definition of pet and tries to understand the impact of pets on human's health care system. This study also explores the theories and applications of interactive design, and finds out that the human-product and pet-product interaction media can be divided into two types: perception and channel. The interactive device (including products and services)' interface between pets and humans can be divided into input and output, which makes pets involved in the human-product interaction and forms an interaction pattern among people, devices, and pets. The human-pet interaction pattern through devices provides theoretical support for the following case study and product design.
    In terms of research methods, through a comprehensive application of literature analysis, case study, and open-ended interview without any preset answer, this study summarizes the development of the companion pet products design with an emphasis on interactive devices. In terms of product design, this study fulfills a comparative analysis of 16 cases and five owners’ interview results based on the literature analysis, interprets the different needs of pets and owners from the perspective of both owners and pets, then uses the concept of interactive design to create a new pet care and companion device combined with the elements pets prefer.
    This thesis draws the following conclusions: 1. Interactive design is a mainstream design development trend in modern information society. 2. In the interaction process, the interaction pattern between people and pets and the interaction technology used by the device need to be further examined. The final effect of interaction performance requires further understanding. 3. The pets’ demand is a major concern of nonverbal interactions.

    第壹章、緒論 1 第一節、研究背景與動機 1 第二節、研究目的與目標 1 第三節、研究範圍與限制 2 第四節、研究方法與流程 2 第貳章、相關學理與文獻探討 9 第一節、寵物心理相關論述 9 第二節、伴侶寵物人格的特點 13 第三節、互動設計理論與應用 16 第四節、一般伴侶寵物玩具的現況分析 37 第參章、相關案例研究 51 第一節、寵物照護互動產品案例分析 51 第二節、案例綜合分析 70 第肆章、寵物飼主之訪談結果與分析 77 第一節、飼主與寵物貓基本資料介紹 77 第二節、飼主對寵物飼養訪談結果與分析 78 第伍章、創作分析與成果 89 第一節、寵物飼主訪談分析與設計規範的擬定 90 第二節、互動內容之選定 93 第三節、設計創作 94 第陸章、結論 113 第一節、研究結論 113 第二節、後續研究方向 116 参考文獻 117


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