  • 學位論文


Vegetation Ecology on Talilishan of Southeastern Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊勝任


本研究區位處台灣東南部大里力山,目的為了解植物組成、植物社會分化情況、影響植群的主要環境變數,以及主要樹種於環境梯度的生態棲位。共設置46個400 m2樣區,並評估16項環境變數。結果記錄維管束植物973種,其中51種為稀有植物。透過非計量多向度量尺法和雙向指標種分析劃分出7個植物社會型,而Monte Carlo顯著性測驗和典型對應分析則得到海拔和土壤pH值為解釋植物組成最重要的環境變數,間接指出植物社會沿著溫度、濕度、降水和淋洗作用有關的複合梯度軸產生分化。由GAM繪製物種反應曲線,顯示各植物社會之特徵種和優勢種於環境梯度的生態棲位有明顯差異,而台灣杜鵑和毽子櫟之間有明顯競爭作用存在。本研究亦記錄新的台灣穗花杉個體,結合前人研究顯示大里力山東稜為台灣穗花杉之重要生育地。


The floristic composition, differentiation of plant communities, major environmental variables influencing vegetation, and the niche of major trees along environmental gradients were evaluated in order to increase the database about the vegetation ecology in Talilishan of Southeastern Taiwan. 46 plots of 400 m2 were sampled and 16 environmental variables were estimated. 973 species of vascular plants were recorded including 51 rare species. Seven community types were classified using NMDS and TWINSPAN. Monte Carlo test and CCA were used that altitude and soil pH were the most important environment variables to explain floristic composition. It indicated indirectly that the differentiation of community types along compound axis were related to temperature, moisture, precipitation, and leaching. Species response curve obtained by using GAM, showing that the niche of character species and dominant species along environmental gradients were obviously different. Rhododendron formosanum and Cyclobalanopsis sessilifolia present obviously competition process. A few individuals of Amentotaxus formosana Li were found in this region. After combining prior study indicated that Talilishan east crest line was an important habitat of A. formosana Li.


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