  • 學位論文


Analyzing on the erosion and sediment control engineering properties of forest recreation areas in Kaohsiung and Pingtung

指導教授 : 林金炳 王弘祐


自民國60年代政府陸續推動重大建設起,國民所得大幅提高,旅遊度假及休閒遊憩活動之需求日益殷切,林務局屏東林區管理處轄下,陸續成立位於屏東之墾丁森林遊樂區與雙流森林遊樂區;高雄之藤枝森林遊樂區。墾丁森林遊樂區因海拔較低,其相關之山坡地防災治理工程較少,故不列入本研究之探討範圍內。 雙流及藤枝森林遊樂區均位於林班地內,地形變化較大,依據水土保持法等相關法規,應實施水土保持處理與維護,然而森林遊樂區由於具有休閒旅遊及環境生態教育之功能,必須加強景觀及生態之特性。 民國68年以後,在雙流及藤枝森林遊樂區施設治山防災治理工程,本研究即探討治理工程於遊樂區內外之差異性,將治理工程進行工程概況分析,並依規劃設計、施工、管理、維護等逐一討論。經分析並檢視後,大多數工程經水衝擊及土石撞擊僅是表面磨損,主體結構物未受損且維護工程比例低,顯示施工品質良好可發揮功能。治理工程應以集水區為單元進行整體規劃,以便能夠發揮整治成效。森林遊樂區是大眾休閒去處,以森林為主體,故比區外更注重整體性、生態、及安全性,且強調融入生態觀念之工程設計,為確保森林遊樂區內遊客安全,工程應避免假日施工,工程管理利用電腦處理方便後續資料運用。惟應多加強教育訓練,方便日後管考。對遊樂區人員可安排經常性之構造物檢查,以瞭解構造物之安全狀況。工程維護在遊樂區內可由遊樂區人員協助,遊樂區外林管處轄區內治理工程,林班巡視人員因業務量大協助有限。雙流遊樂區內之防砂壩可適度降低高度,採取生態工法施設護岸及固床工,使溪水出現在雙流溪內;而在崩塌地處理仍應持續以植生綠化。林道邊坡坍方在處理時,應顧慮生態並考慮美觀。


Since 1970s, after the major public constructions being completed, the domestic economy and civilian income have boosted. Recreation demanding and its relative businesses then gradually got the attention of the public. The Kenting forest and Shuangliou forest recreation areas in Pingtung Country and the Tengjihih forest recreation area in Kaohiung city were therefore founded under the administration of Forest Bureau Pingtung Forest District Office. The former is excluded from the studied sites due to its flat topography and low elevation in the area in this study. Shuangliou and Tengjihih forest recreation areas are both located in forestry administrative area, and both have complicate topography. The soil and water conservation measures and their maintenance are under the regulation of soil and water conservation act .Meanwhile, the forest recreation area provide functions of recreation and ecological education, maintaining landscape and ecology in the areas should be focused. Since 1979, Sabo-dam, revetment, retaining wall, and slope protection works have been gradually constructed in both forest recreation areas. The main purpose in this study is to inspect and compare the performance and planning concepts of the slope protection measures in the areas. The study on the protection measures are inspected following categories of planning, constructing, managing, and maintaining. It shows that, though abounding in both forest recreation area, most of the protection measures still keep in their normal functions. The damages are mostly occurred by stream current erosion and debris impact on the surface of the protection works. An individual watershed should be treated as a intact unit when management and remediation projects being arranged to achieve the best performance of remediation projects. Forest recreation area is an area for public recreation in which forest is the main landscape. Integrity, ecology, and safety are more essential in the forest recreation area than in other areas. The protection constructions in the area are required to merge into the surrounding landscape. Computer database could be helpful in managing the forest recreation area, some training in use the computer are also helpful to the staff to use the computerized data in protection measures inspections. The staff in forest recreation area could help to inspect the condition of the protection measures constructed in the area to share the work load of engineers in Pingtung Forest District area. Heights of sabo-dams in Shuangliou forest recreation area can be properly lowered to introduce the stream current flowing through the area to attract the tourists. Revetment and stream bed stabilization work should be constructed based on ecological concept. In landslide areas should perform vegetation engineering to recover the landscape. The remediation works on sliding along forest road should especially consider the ecology and landscape protection.


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