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研究生: 施惟馨
Shih, Wei-Hsin
論文名稱: 微流體紙基晶片系統結合銀奈米粒子應用於食品中重金屬汞離子檢測
Microfluidic Paper-Based System with Silver-Nanoparticles for Mercury(ii) Detection in Food
指導教授: 李佳言
Lee, Chia-Yen
Fu, Lung-Ming
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工學院 - 材料工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Materials Engineering
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: 汞離子檢測銀奈米粒子微流體紙基晶片RGB值分析
外文關鍵詞: mercury ion detection, silver nanoparticles, microfluidic paper-based chip, RGB values
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST201900151
相關次數: 點閱:29下載:0
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  • 因現今工、商及科技業發展快速,導致環境汙染問題日益嚴重,由於廢氣及廢汙水會直接或間接使食品受到重金屬汙染,且重金屬具富集性,易於生物中累積,將會對食物鏈造成相當大的影響,若長期接觸有致癌可能性,甚至引起器官衰竭,為了避免消費者於不知情狀況下攝入過多含重金屬之食品,我們更應該重視並提前預防。
    本研究針對食品中重金屬汞汙染,使用微流體紙基晶片結合銀奈米粒子達快速檢測汞離子之目的,免去傳統昂貴的設備成本,將銀奈米粒子滴入紙基晶片之蠟印檢測範圍中,待乾燥後加入需檢測之樣品,使銀奈米粒子與汞離子結合形成汞齊合金,促使紙基晶片顏色改變,並搭配紙基檢測系統及手機CMOS鏡頭拍攝,透過APP軟體將圖像結果轉換成RGB值,近一步與樣品濃度進行分析;根據紙基晶片及檢測系統於600秒時,對汞離子濃度1-25ppb以R+G+B方式建立標準曲線,得到之R2值為0.9976,並根據線性迴歸方程式進行濃度換算,於紙基檢測系統中檢測出去離子水、食用油脂及鹽巴之回收率分別為88 %、89 %及67 %,符合食藥署規定之回收率須為60-125 %;根據上述檢測結果,可透過此檢測平台為檢測汞離子提供低成本及簡單快速之方式。

    Today, environmental pollution is getting serious. Heavy metal pollution in the food chain may be directly or indirectly affected by exhaust gases and industrial wastewater. Because mercury can accumulate or bioaccumulate in living organisms. It can affect all animals and humans because the most important pathway for mercury bioaccumulation is through the food chain. If mercury can be detected quickly, people can prevent it immediately.
    In the proposed method, a small strip of filter paper is coated with silver nanoparticles and reagent indicator. The mercury ion sample is then injected into the reservoir of the chip; prompting a reaction with the silver nanoparticles and indicator. The chip is transferred to the detection system, where the reaction-induced color change is captured by a CMOS camera. The resulting color variation is analyzed through a high-resolution camera and the reacted image is processed by a RGB (red, green and blue) analytical app installed on a smartphone. Results show that the known mercury ion concentrations ranging from 1-25 ppb indicate that the high linear relationship (R2 = 0.9976) between the (R (red) + G (green) + B (blue)) value and mercury ion concentration. The recoveries of external addition based on paper-based system results were 67-89%. The conformances when compared with results from an accredited laboratory via standard method (by TFDA) ranged 60-125%. In conclusion, the results provide further evidence that the simple, convenient and low-cost of the detection system.

    第1章 緒論1
    第2章 文獻回顧7
    2.5.1 RGB色度系統24
    2.5.2 RGB顏色判讀26
    第3章 材料與實驗方法28
    3.1 材料與設備28
    3.3.2 App軟體介紹35
    第4章 結果與討論44
    第5章 結論與未來展望67

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