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研究生: 楊雨慈
Yang, Yu-Tzu
論文名稱: 植物健康問題診斷案例研究
Case study on diagnosis of plant health problems
指導教授: 楊永裕
Yang, Yung-Yu
Lin, Yi-Hsien
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 農學院 - 植物醫學系所
Department of Plant Medicine
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: 植物健康問題診斷植物醫師用藥處方
外文關鍵詞: Diagnosis of plant health problems, Plant doctor, Prescription of pesticide
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST201900287
相關次數: 點閱:26下載:0
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  • 台灣年均溫約於 21 ~ 25C 之間,適合種植多種農作物,但複雜的作物相也被許多不同類型的有害生物危害。為減少害物對作物造成的損失,過去的作物保護多著重在以農藥消滅害物,卻間接對環境和生態造成影響,因此現今的作物保護已經轉變成應用多元方法來防治有害生物。此外,近年來為了避免農藥殘留與確保食品安全,行政院農業委員會推行「植物醫師制度」,而屏科大植物醫學系也在 2017 年成立研究所臨床植物醫學組,經由實際診斷田間植物異常的問題,讓學生持續累積實務經驗以達到訓練植物醫師的目標。本論文從高屏地區研究的眾多診斷案件中挑選30件,依案件處理方式之不同,將診斷案件區分為「樣本診斷」、「田間診斷」、「診療處理」三大類,而無論是那種處理方式,都依據診斷結果提出建議給農民做為改善田區狀況的參考。將上述案件按照診斷結果整理歸納後,發現其中許多案例不只是單一因子所造成的問題,有些是因為作物的施作方法或設施使用不當等因素促使植物發生異常現象。此外,農藥處方的擬定是植物醫師的重要工作,但各地農藥店比植物醫師更清楚農民的用藥習慣,而農民也會將藥劑的施用成效反應給農藥店,因此如何在農民與農藥店之間扮演適當的角色,將是植物醫師制度成功的關鍵。整體而言,植物醫師注重植物健康管理,也就是預防重於治療的概念;而當問題發生時則須發揮專業做出正確診斷,擬定改善方法以減少生物或非生物因子對農業造成的損失。

    Taiwan’s annual average temperature at 21 between 25 , it’s suitable for growth of various crops. However, complex crops were damaged by many kinds of pests. To reduce the crops lost from the pests, crop protect focus mainly on using pesticides to eradicate the pests in the past, but also have impact on ecology and environment. Hence, crop protection now is already return to integrate multiple methods to control the pests of crops. In addition, to avoid pesticide residues and guarantee food safety, the Council of Agriculture try to promote the plant doctor system, and the institute of Plant Medicine of the NPUST set up also the group of Clinical Plant doctor in 2017, that the students can accumulating experience about plant health problem in the field actually, then achieve the goal for training plant doctor. This thesis analyzed thirty cases selected from many diagnostics from 2017 to 2019 in Kaohsiung and Pingtung area. These cases were divided to three categories based on the type of treatment, including sample diagnosis, field diagnosis, field diagnosis followed by pesticide control. Regardless of the type of treatment, one method was suggested for farmer to improve the plant problem based on the diagnosis. After induction of these cases, we found someone wasn’t cause by one factor, but also cause by the application of crops or improper use of facilities and other factors to cause plant problems. In addition, suggesting the prescription of pesticide to farmers is an important thing for plant doctors, but pesticide stores are more aware of the farmers' habits than the plant doctors, and farmers will also respond the result of applying the pesticide to the pesticide store. Therefore, how to play the appropriate role between the farmers and pesticide stores will be crucial for the success of the "Plant doctor System". Overall, plant doctor focus on management of plant health, that is prevention rather than treatment, and find the real cause about plant health problem, then propose the methods to reduce the damage on plant from biotic and abiotic factors.

    摘要 I
    Abstract II
    謝誌 III
    目錄 IV
    圖表目錄 V
    壹、前言 1
    貳、材料方法 3
    一、診斷案件來源 3
    二、診斷流程 3
    三、微生物培養配方與病原分離 5
    四、聚合酶連鎖反應 (Polymerase Chain Reaction, PCR) 檢測 6
    五、有害生物防治率的調查方法 9
    參、結果與討論 11
    一、樣本診斷案例 11
    二、田間診斷案例 18
    三、診療處理案例 41
    肆、綜合討論 47
    一、與施作方法問題相關的案件 47
    二、與設施使用相關的案件 47
    三、與農藥使用相關的案件 48
    四、其他問題需要探討的案件 48
    伍、參考資料 50
    陸、表 55
    柒、圖 62
    捌、附錄 95
    玖、作者簡介 97

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