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研究生: 曾柏鈞
Tseng, Po-Chun
論文名稱: 探討影響消費者對線上影音串流平台使用行為之研究-以延伸性整合型科技接受模型為例
A Study on the Use Behavior of Streaming Platforms-Based on the UTAUT2
指導教授: 沈慶龍
Shen, Ching-Lung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系所
Department of Business Management
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 線上影音串流延伸型整合性科技接受模型
外文關鍵詞: Video Streaming, UTAUT2
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST202000159
相關次數: 點閱:39下載:8
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  • 全球線上影音串流產業發展趨勢逐漸興盛,近年來使用者人數快速成長,眾多國際知名影音串流接連進入台灣市場,而本國影音業者也陸續投入該產業,未來發展指日可待,因此本研究目的主要建延伸型整合性科技接受模型(UTAUT2)為前因因子對再購意願之關聯進而探討對消費者使用行為之影響,並以人口統計變項對本研究之績效期望、易用期望、社會影響、娛樂動機、價格價值、品牌形象、再購意願以及使用行為之影響,並以研究成果提出建議,供產官學等相關單位作為未來產業發展或政策擬定之參考。

    The development trend of the global online audio and video streaming industry is gradually flourishing. In recent years, the number of users has grown rapidly. Many internationally renowned audio and video streams have entered the Taiwan market one after another. The domestic audio and video industry players have also gradually invested in the industry. The future development is just around the corner. The Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 model (UTAUT2) is the association of the causal factor with the repurchase willingness to explore the impact on consumer use behavior, and the demographic variables are used for the performance expectations, ease of use expectations, social impact, and entertainment of this study. Motivation, price value, brand image, willingness to repurchase, and usage behavior, and make recommendations based on research results for industry, government, and other relevant units as a reference for future industrial development or policy formulation.
    In this study, users with experience in using online video streaming platforms were used as test subjects. Internet electronic questionnaires were distributed. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed, 385 were returned, 352 valid questionnaires, and the effective questionnaire recovery rate reached 70.4%. In addition, this study uses PLS, t-est, and ANOVA difference analysis to conduct empirical analysis and verify the hypothesis proposed by this research and the difference analysis of demographic variables on each variable. The PLS analysis of this study found that (1) Performance Expectancy have a significant positive effect on repurchase intentions. (2) Effort Expectancy have a significant positive impact on repurchase intentions. (3) Social Influence has a significant positive effect on repurchase intentions. (4) Hedonic motivation has a significant positive effect on repurchase intentions. (5) Price Value has a significant positive effect on the repurchase intention. (6) Brand Image has a significant positive effect on the repurchase intention. (7) Repurchase Intention has a significant positive effect on use behavior (8) Demographic variables have some significant differences among variables. In addition to providing academic theoretical verification, this research also puts forward practical suggestions.

    摘要 I
    Abstract II
    謝誌 III
    目錄 IV
    圖表索引 VI
    圖索引 VI
    表索引 VII
    第壹章、 緒論 1
    第一節、 研究背景 1
    第二節、 研究動機 7
    第三節、 研究目的 9
    第四節、 研究流程 10
    第貳章、文獻探討 11
    第一節、線上影音串流平台 11
    第二節、理論基礎與變數萃取依據 15
    第三節、各變數之相關文獻 19
    第參章、研究方法 34
    第一節、研究架構 35
    第二節、研究假設 36
    第三節、研究變數之操作型定義與測量 42
    第四節、研究對象與資料收集 47
    第五節、資料分析方法 49
    第肆章、資料分析 52
    第一節、問卷回收情形 52
    第二節、問卷回收樣本分析 53
    第三節、偏最小平方法線性結構方程式(PLS)分析 56
    第四節、人口統計變項對各變數之影響 65
    第伍章、結論與建議 70
    第一節、研究結論 70
    第二節、實務建議 77
    第三節、研究限制 84
    參考文獻 87
    附錄、問卷 95

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