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研究生: 烏谷亞紗子
Asako Karasudani
論文名稱: 利用Arduino模組控制不同灌溉方式對野菊的生長及成分分析之研究
Studies on the Growth and Components of Chrysanthemum indicum Using Arduino Modules to Control Different Irrigation System
指導教授: 賴宏亮
Lay, Horng-Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 農學院 - 農園生產系所
Department of Plant Industry
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 土壤濕度容積含量光合作用灌溉方式相對生長速率
外文關鍵詞: Automatic irrigation system, Irrigation control method, Soil moisture volume content, Relative growth rate
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST202000172
相關次數: 點閱:15下載:0
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  • 野菊(Chrysanthemum indicum)為菊科多年生植物,原生於東亞地區如台灣、日本及中國,野菊花作為藥材,具有緩解疼痛、眼睛疲勞、發炎和清熱解毒之功效,花的主要成分為芹菜素(Apigenin)、木犀草素(Luteolin)、楊梅黃酮(Myricetin)和槲皮素(Quecetin)。近年來,許多研究引入Arduino模組進行植物生長環境的控制,Arduino模組可利用感測器和引動器來偵測或改變外界物理環境,野菊偏好排水性良好的土壤,所以利用野菊的光合作用參數和土壤濕度容積含量測試萎凋點以供未來灌溉程式設定。萎凋點從土壤濕度容積含量40.8%,光合作用速率48.28 µmol m-2 s-1開始測試,當土壤濕度容積含量達到25%及少於10%時,光合作用速率開始急劇下降,最終植株細胞死亡時,土壤溼度含量為5.4%。本研究利用Arduino模組控制不同灌溉方式,並配合生育調查、光合作用參數、乾物質和成分等以評估合適的灌溉控制方式。因此根據上述,共4種土壤濕度容積含量分別為35~40%(ck)、25~30%〔Is(irrigation system)30%〕、15~20%(Is 20%)和5~10%(Is 10%)。營養生長期的結果顯示37 DAT(days after treatment)時Is 30%的葉、莖、根乾物質〔分別為3.75、2.06、4.11(g plant-1)〕和葉面積 (1483.6 cm2 plant-1)最高,之後是Is 20%、Is 10%和ck,37 DAT和89 DAT時,乾物質及葉面積相似。此外,Is 30%在37 DAT和 89 DAT期間的相對生長速率(relative growth rate,RGR)最高,與此ck的 RGR 僅 0.086。花期結果顯示,開花時間Is 30%及Is 20%(42 DAT)早於ck (48 DAT),而10%直至栽培結束仍未開花,雖然在早花期Is 30%總花數最多,但ck在87
    DAT時高於Is 30%。野菊成分中綠原酸及 楊梅黃酮在ck的處理最高(5.30, 3.27 and 0.21 mg g-1),ck 及 Is 30%的木犀草素和芹菜素無差異但高於Is 20%,槲皮素則是各處理之間無差異。綜上所述,使用灌溉控制系統栽培野菊時,在營養生長期應採用Is 30%的方式,花期則要維持35~40%的土壤濕度容積含量。

    Chrysanthemum indicum is a perennial Asteraceae plant that grows naturally in East Asia such as Taiwan, Japan and China. The flowers of C. indicum as herbal medicines is said to be effective in relieving heat, pain, eye fatigue, inflammation and detoxifying. The main components of flowers include Apigenin, Luteolin, Myricetin and Quecetin. In recent years, studies have been conducted to control the growth environment of plants using computer control, and Arduino modules are often used as the control device. An Arduino module is a device that connects sensors and actuators to detect or changes physical condition in the external environment, and C. indicum prefers soil with good drainage. First, the set value of irrigation control program was determined from the photosynthetic characteristics of C. indicum and the soil moisture volume contents in the wilting point test. Wilting point test was started at a soil moisture volume content of 40.8%, and the photosynthetic rate of C. indicum was 48.28 µmol m-2 s-1, whereas the photosynthetic rate began to decrease sharply at a soil moisture volume content of 25% and 10% or less. The plant cells died when the soil moisture volume content decreased to 5.4%. This study provides the Arduino module was used to set different irrigation control programs to suit the cultivation of C. indicum. Furthermore, developing
    appropriate irrigation control by Arduino module was evaluated from the investigation of growth, photosynthetic characteristics, dry matter characteristics and components. From this perspective, the experiment was conducted with four water application levels that kept the soil moisture volume content at 35~40% was designated as the control (ck), and irrigation was performed when the soil moisture volume content decreased to 25~30%〔Is(irrigation system)30%〕, 15~20%(Is 20%) and 5~10%(Is 10%). The results of the vegetative growth period showed that at 37 DAT(days after treatment), Is 30% of leaves, stems, and roots had the highest dry matter weight 〔3.75, 2.06, 4.11(g plant-1)〕 and leaf area (1483.6 cm2 plant-1) following by Is 20%, Is 10% and ck. Dry matter weight and leaf area at 89 DAT were similar to those parameters at 37 DAT. In addition, the relative growth rate (RGR) and the increase rate of dry matte from 37 DAT to 89 DAT of Is 30% was the highest, by comparison, RGR of ck was 0.086. The results of the flowering stage showed that the bloomed time in the Is 30% and Is 20% plots (42 DAT) earlier than the ck plots (48 DAT), despite Is 10% did not flower until the end of cultivation. The ck exceeded the flowers number with Is 30% at 87 DAT, although Is 30% higher at the early flowering stage. The components of Chlorogenic acid and Myricetin were significantly higher in ck (5.30, 3.27 and 0.21 mg g-1). Luteolin and Apigenin had no difference between ck and Is 30%, and were significantly higher than Is 20%. However, there was no significant difference in the content of Quecetin between treatments. The study concluded that C. indicum cultivation with the irrigation control system, it is important to control the irrigation by setting the Is 30% treatment in the vegetative growth period and maintaining 35~40% in the flowering period.

    摘 要 I
    Abstract III
    謝誌 V
    目錄 VII
    圖目錄 VIII
    表目錄 X
    壹、前言 1
    貳、文獻回顧 3
    一、野菊介紹 3
    二、野菊形態特徵 3
    三、野菊之栽培 4
    四、菊花資源利用 4
    五、菊科水分逆境之研究 5
    六、菊科的成分與藥理活性 5
    七、智能(AI)式灌溉系統之研究 8
    參、材料與方法 13
    一、試驗架構 13
    二、試驗材料 13
    三、Arduino自動灌溉控制模組設計 14
    四、試驗方法 16
    肆、結果 34
    一、停水處理對野菊的生長及光合作用速率之影響 34
    二、利用Arduino自動灌溉控制模組對野菊營養生長期的生長及成分之影響 35
    三、利用Arduino自動灌溉控制模組對野菊花期的生長之影響 38
    四、利用Arduino自動灌溉控制模組對野菊的成分之影響 40
    伍、討論 69
    陸、結論 77
    參考文獻 79
    作者簡介 100

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