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研究生: 廖家慧
Liao, Chia-Hui
論文名稱: 影響寵物登記之危險因子─以台東市為例
Risk Factors Affecting Pet Registration - Taking Taitung City as an Example
指導教授: 蔡宜倫
Tsai, Yi-Lun
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 獸醫學院 - 獸醫學系所
Department of Veterinary Medicine
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 52
中文關鍵詞: 問卷調查台東市寵物登記流行病學影響因子
外文關鍵詞: questionnaire survey, Taitung City, pet licensing, epidemiologic study, risk factor
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST202000262
相關次數: 點閱:23下載:0
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  • 台灣寵物登記管理辦法於1999年9月1日正式開始施行,希望藉由寵物登記制度建立國內犬籍資料並改善飼主隨意棄養的問題,但政策施行成效不彰。本研究目的為以台東市犬隻飼主為調查對象,利用所設計之問卷進行調查,評估影響飼主辦理寵物登記意願之危險因子。研究時間於106年7月配合台東縣動物防疫所排定之「106年度台東市犬貓狂犬病及寵物登記巡迴工作」日程施行。調查對象為攜帶飼養犬至各里排定之注射站進行狂犬病疫苗注射並願意配合填寫問卷的台東市民。問卷設計的問項包括飼主資料、動物資料、由何種管道得知寵物登記資訊及飼主願意辦理寵物登記的可能原因。本試驗共蒐集360份問卷,以單變數邏輯斯迴歸分析及多變數邏輯斯迴歸分析方法,評估17個可能的危險因子對於飼主辦理寵物登記意願的影響力。結果發現有5個危險因子會影響飼主辦理寵物登記的意願(p<0.05),在犬隻為品種犬、犬有絕育、被飼養的時間越長、被視為寵物飼養、飼主擔心犬隻走失的狀況下,飼主辦理寵物登記的意願越高,其中最具影響力的危險因子為「飼主擔心犬隻走失」(OR=4.883,p<0.001)。建議政府應及早於國中、小教育編製相關課程,藉此推行動物保護政策,將寵物登記制度推廣成為國民基本常識,並積極進行教育推廣人員的在職訓練,以提升推行寵物飼養及管理相關法規等工作的效能。

    Pet registration policy in Taiwan was held on September 1, 1999. The pet registration system was established to record the information of domestic dogs and to decrease the pet abandonment by the owners; however, the implementation is not effective. The purpose of this study was to use the designed questionnaire to investigate the risk factors that affect the willing to do pet registration in Taitung city in Taiwan. This study was conducted when the event, “2017 Rabies Vaccination and Pet Registration Tour for Dogs and Cats in Taitung City”, was held in July, 2017. The event was planned by Animal Disease Control Center, Taitung county. Citizens of Taitung city who brought dogs to the assigned dog vaccination and registration stations to participate in this event and agreed to accomplish the designed questionnaires were recruited in this study. The structured questionnaire included owner information, animal information, the way to know this event, and possible reasons affect owner’s willing to do pet registration. A total of 360 questionnaires were successfully conducted. Seventeen possible risk factors were then analyzed by using univariate and multivariate logistic regression models to understand their association with owner’s willing to do pet registration. In the results, five risk factors were found positively affect owner’s willing to do pet registration (p<0.05). The owners have higher willingness to do pet registration when their dogs are sterilized, pure breeds, treated as pets, raised for a long time, and concerned missing. Concerning dog missing was the most significant risk factor (OR=4.883, p<0.001). It is suggested that the government should formulate relevant courses as early as possible in the junior high and elementary schools to implement animal protection policies and promote the pet registration systems as a common sense of the people. Active in-service training for education and extension personnel is needed to improve the effectiveness of implementing pet management and relative regulations.

    摘要 I
    謝誌 V
    目錄 VI
    圖表目錄 IX
    第1章 前言 1
    第2章 文獻回顧 2
    2.1 國際寵物登記管理之策略 2
    2.1.1 世界動物衛生組織(The World Organisation for Animal Health, OIE) 2
    2.1.2 國際伴侶動物管理聯盟(International Companion Animal Management Coalition, ICAM) 2
    2.2 歐美寵物管理之策略 4
    2.2.1 英國 4
    2.2.2 法國 5
    2.2.3 德國 5
    2.2.4 瑞典 6
    2.2.5 荷蘭 6
    2.2.6 義大利 7
    2.2.7 美國 7
    2.3 亞洲寵物管理之策略 8
    2.3.1 日本 8
    2.3.2 韓國 9
    2.3.3 中華人民共和國 10
    2.4 我國寵物管理之策略 11
    2.5 寵物與飼主之間關係和寵物管理的相關研究 13
    2.5.1 寵物與飼主之間關係的相關研究 13
    2.5.2 寵物管理的相關研究 17
    第3章 材料與方法 19
    3.1 問卷設計與預試 19
    3.2 問卷實施 20
    3.3 問卷資料之整理及量化 20
    3.4 統計分析 23
    第4章 結果 25
    4.1 問卷回收 25
    4.2 問卷結果 25
    4.3 統計分析 26
    4.3.1 單變數邏輯斯迴歸分析 26
    4.3.2 多變數邏輯斯迴歸分析 28
    第5章 討論 39
    參考文獻 43
    附錄 50
    作者簡介 52

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