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研究生: 吳沂蓁
Wu, I-Chen
論文名稱: 統整生產管理系統與作業現場的精實改善模式-以A鏈條公司為例
A lean improvement through integrating the manufacturing execution system and on-site operation mode-Take A chain company as an example
指導教授: 洪宗乾
Hong, Chung-Chien
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系所
Department of Industrial Management
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 62
中文關鍵詞: 精實生產拉式生產生產管理系統超市建立
外文關鍵詞: lean improvement, lean improvement, production management system, supermarket establishment
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST202200070
相關次數: 點閱:49下載:0
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  • 本研究以台灣某鏈條公司生產線為研究案例,藉由實際至現場觀察找出問題並著手改善主要研究內容。現場觀察中發現案例公司現場時常因為缺料,使出貨前的組裝線經常無法如出貨排程生產,因而組裝區附近會有大量的半成品堆積,而無根據排程生產出來的成品也會堆滿成品倉,除了造成現場空間狹窄與紊亂影響生產效率外,由於鏈條為鐵製品,半成品或成品擺放易生鏽,又會有返工的問題。而因缺料延遲生產的製令單,也是大量堆積在組裝區,不只現場生產時不易找製令單,更會讓組裝人員無法依排程生產時,就由這堆製令單中隨意抽取可生產的製令單組裝,這使得本來就不易掌握的排程更加混亂。物料及製令單的雙重問題,讓本來就效率不佳的現場雪上加霜。本研究使用精實管理的五大原則為案例公司設計改善方案,這五大原則分別為確認價值、掌握價值流、暢流、建立拉式系統及追求、完美。本研究透過這五大原則設計了相對應的暢流工具及監控流動的輔助機制,有效的降低了案例公司中的組裝區的半成品數及製令數量、提升作業人員有價值工作的作業效率、同時也讓因缺料無法完成的製令問題快速獲得解決。且這些方法都已經在案例公司落實執行。

    This research takes the production line of a chain manufacturer in Taiwan as a research case. We found out the problems of manufacturing lines in the spot. During the on-site observation, it was found that the shortage of material always made the assembly line often behind the scheduled. That results a large number of in-process inventory would be stacked near the assembly area, and finished products that could not be produced according to the schedule would also be stacked. Piling up a lot of inventory will not only cause narrow and disordered working space but also affect production efficiency. Because the chain is made of iron, in-process products or finished products are easy to rust when placed, and there will be problems of rework. In addition, the production orders that are delayed due to lack of materials are also piled up and placed in assembly area. Not only is it difficult to find the needed production orders as manufacturing, but it also makes it difficult for the assemblers to produce according to the schedule. The dual problems of materials and manufacturing orders made the already inefficient site even worse. This study uses the five principles of lean management to design improvement plans for the case company. Through these five principles we have designed corresponding tools for smoothing the producing flow and auxiliary mechanisms for monitoring the flow, which effectively reduces the number of in-process products and orders in the assembly area of the case company, improves the operation efficiency of the valuable work of the assemblers, and also reduces the shortage of materials. Therefore, Unfulfilled orders can be quickly resolved. These methods have been implemented in the case company.

    摘要 I
    Abstract III
    謝誌 V
    目錄 VI
    圖目錄 VIII
    表目錄 X
    第1章 緒論 1
    1.1 研究背景與動機 1
    1.2 研究目的 3
    1.3 研究架構 3
    第2章 文獻探討 5
    2.1 金屬加工處理業 5
    2.2 精實生產 6
    2.3 拉式生產 9
    2.4 價值流程圖 11
    第3章 研究方法 14
    3.1 研究流程 14
    3.2 案例公司描述與問題 16
    3.3 精實生產五大原則:找出問題及解決問題 19
    第4章 現場實踐及成果分析 37
    4.1 紅牌作戰-清除久滯品 37
    4.2 工站6無用製令單撤除 40
    4.3 建立待加工超市與領料超市 41
    4.4 每日生產排程 47
    4.5 領用看板 48
    4.6 引取看板 49
    4.7 生產指示看板與生產指示看板蒐集箱 50
    4.8 問題回報單 52
    4.9 常備料流動紀錄表 54
    第5章 結論與建議 57
    參考文獻 59

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