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研究生: 楊易修
Yang, I-Hsiu
論文名稱: 探討餐旅業賦權領導對主動工作行為之影響:工作特性與工作鑲嵌之連續中介作用
Effects of Empowering Leadership on Proactive Work Behavior in Hospitality: The Serial Mediating Roles of Job Characteristics and Job Embeddedness
指導教授: 汪仲仁
Wang, Chung-Jen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 餐旅管理系
Department of Hotel and Restaurant Management
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: 賦權領導工作特性工作鑲嵌主動工作行為餐旅產業
外文關鍵詞: empowering leadership, job characteristics, job embeddedness, proactive work behaivor, hospitality industry
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST202200117
相關次數: 點閱:94下載:0
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  • 由於餐旅產業競爭日新月盛,高績效工作運行實務(High-performance work practices,HPWP)是重要的人力資源策略,促進員工在工作上更加地積極主動。本研究旨在探討旅館產業賦權領導與員工主動工作行為的關係,藉由賦權的工作設計加深員工對工作的嵌入程度,表現出積極主動的工作行為,並以鏈式中介模式探討工作特性和工作鑲嵌在賦權領導和員工主動工作行為的多重中介效果。抽樣設計以分層隨機抽樣取自母體樣本為臺灣三星級至五星級旅館之員工。問卷共放550份,在剔除無效問卷後,有效問卷為461份,其回收率為83.8%。拔靴分析結果顯示,(1)賦權領導對於工作特性及主動工作行為有正向影響;(2)工作特性對於工作鑲嵌有正向影響;(3)工作鑲嵌對於主動工作行為有正向影響;(4)工作特性在賦權領導及主動工作行為之間具有中介效果;(5)工作鑲嵌在賦權領導及主動工作行為之間具有中介效果;(6)賦權領導透過工作特性和工作鑲嵌的聯合中介對於主動工作行為有間接的正向影響。研究結果表示,飯店從業人員應考慮員工心理狀態的重要性,從而使員工全身心地沉浸在工作中,提高其主動工作行為。因此,本研究致力於永續人力資源管理在賦權領導以高效能工作實踐的重要性,並為飯店從業者提供了有效的依據,這也是飯店從業者將培訓和保留高效能員工作為實現企業長期成功的生存策略的原因。

    With the increasing competition in the hospitality industry, this study examines the relationship between empowering leadership and employees’ proactive work behavior in the hotel industry. This study explored how job design inspires hotel employees to be embedded in their works and perform proactive work behavior. The purpose of this study was to probe the mediating roles of job characteristics and job embeddedness in a serial mediation model of empowering leadership and employees’ proactive work behavior. Data were collected from the employees of 3–5 stars hotels in Taiwan through stratified random sampling. A 550 questionnaires were collected with 461 valid samples or an effective response rate of 83.8% were utilized for data analysis. Results indicated that (1) empowering leadership has positive influences on job characteristics and proactive work behavior; (2) job characteristics have a positive influence on job embeddedness; (3) job embeddedness has a positive influence on proactive work behavior; (4) job characteristics mediate the effect of empowering leadership on proactive work behavior; (5) job embeddedness mediates the effect of empowering leadership on proactive work behavior; and (6) job characteristics and job embeddedness jointly mediate the effect of empowering leadership on proactive work behavior by bootstrapping analyses. The findings suggested that hotel practitioners should consider the importance of employees’ psychological state, which could cause employees to immerse themselves wholly in their work and increase their proactive work behavior. Accordingly, this study contributes to the importance of sustainable HRM in empowering leadership with HPWP and provides valid grounds for hotel practitioners, which is why they have adopted training and retaining high-performance employees as a survival strategy to achieve a long-term successful business.

    摘要 I
    Abstract II
    Acknowledgement IV
    Table of Contents V
    List of Tables VII
    List of Figures VIII
    1. Introduction 1
    1.1 Research Motivation 1
    1.2 Research Objectives 2
    1.3 Research Procedure 6
    2. Literature Review 7
    2.1 Empowering Leadership 7
    2.1.1 Definitions of Empowering Leadership 7
    2.1.2 Linkages of Empowering Leadership 9
    2.2 Job Characteristics 11
    2.2.1 Definitions of Job Characteristics 11
    2.2.2 Linkages of Job Characteristics 14
    2.3 Job Embeddedness 15
    2.3.1 Definitions of Job Embeddedness 16
    2.3.2 Linkages of Job Embeddedness 17
    2.4 Proactive Work Behavior 19
    2.4.1 Definitions of Proactive Work Behavior 19
    2.4.2 Linkages of Proactive Work Behavior 20
    2.5 Relationships among Constructs 22
    3. Methodology 26
    3.1 Research Framework 26
    3.2 Research Design 27
    3.2.1 Pilot Test 27
    3.2.2 Sample Frame and Data Collection 28
    3.3 Construct Measurement 28
    3.3.1 Empowering Leadership 28
    3.3.2 Job Characteristics 29
    3.3.3 Job Embeddedness 31
    3.3.4 Proactive Work Behavior 31
    3.4 Analytical Approach 33
    4. Results 34
    4.1 Demographic Statistics 34
    4.2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis 36
    4.2.1 Goodness of Model Fit Test 36
    4.2.2 Convergent Validity Test 37
    4.2.3 Discriminant Validity Test 38
    4.2.4 Common Method Variance Bias Test 40
    4.3 Path Analysis 41
    4.4 Supplementary Analysis 44
    4.5 Summary of Research Results 45
    5. Conclusions and Implications 46
    5.1 Discussion 46
    5.1.1 Theoretical Implications 47
    5.1.2 Managerial Implications 49
    5.1.3 Research Limitations and Future Suggestions 50
    5.2 Conclusions 51
    References 52
    Appendix: Questionnaire 69

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