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研究生: 李權裕
Li, Chiuan-Yu
論文名稱: 臺灣極危植物-紫苞舌蘭再引回模式建立之研究
Establishment of reintroduction model for Spathoglottis plicata Blume, the critically endangered plant in Taiwan
指導教授: 洪國翔
Hung, Kuo-Hsiang
Chen, Chaur-Tzuhn
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 農學院 - 生物資源研究所
Graduate Institute of Bioresources
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 102
中文關鍵詞: 紫苞舌蘭微衛星DNA族群動態生物繁殖技術族群生存力分析再引回
外文關鍵詞: Spathoglottis plicata, Microsatellite DNA, Reintroduction, Biological propagation technique, Population viability analysis
研究方法: 實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST202200393
相關次數: 點閱:36下載:7
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  • 本研究針對極危(CR)等級植物紫苞舌蘭擬定其復育模式並進行實際復育行動,期讓我國對於植物多樣性之保育有實質可行之完整範例,研究之項目及結果有:(1)進行紫苞舌蘭族群動態研究及族群生存力分析,瞭解紫苞舌蘭現僅分布於蘭嶼及綠島兩個地區,綠島現存有4個族群,族群穩定,短期內應無滅絕危機,而蘭嶼地區族群因天災影響,只餘1族群,趨勢嚴重下降,有滅絕危機,極需積極進行復育行動。(2)利用微衛星DNA進行紫苞舌蘭遺傳多樣性及族群遺傳結構分析,結果顯示本種具有極低的遺傳多樣性,其中以蘭嶼區域具有較高的遺傳多樣性(Ho = 0.103),顯示蘭嶼地區的現有族群應為重點保存族群,此可作為後續進行繁殖時之重要種原。(3)利用生物繁殖技術針對現存於野外之各個族群個體,進行體外繁殖試驗以能最大化保存並繁殖現有遺傳多樣性個體,結果顯示若需大量培養且節省成本的條件下以1/4MS作為培養基最合適。(4)針對蘭嶼地區已於野外消失之紫苞舌蘭族群,進行再引回,結果以東清溪族群生育狀況最好,並已建立可天然繁殖之新族群。(5)評估再引回6個族群之存活率及天然更新狀況,以東清溪族群(p1)最佳,朗島東溪(p2)次佳,其餘族群呈現衰退狀態;另進行族群生存力分析,模擬未來100年之族群,顯示此再引回建立之新族群若無重大干擾可永久存續。(6)蘭嶼的再引回行動已成功建立新族群,且此新族群可持續生存並天然更新繁衍後代,為成功之復育模式。未來進行受脅植物復育時可將此模式應用至其它受脅植物,從族群調查、評估、繁殖、引回至監測的復育流程,陸續解決我國更多受脅植物所面臨的困境及其絕滅壓力,供管理單位參酌,訂定出國家對於受脅植物的經營管理計畫,以能確實有效減緩我國受脅植物族群日益縮減乃至滅絕的速度,達到復育瀕絕植物與保育生物多樣性的國際目標。

    This research drawed up a restoration model for the critically endangered (CR)Spathoglottis plicata, and carried out actual restoration actions, so that we can have a practical and complete example for the conservation of plant diversity in country. The research projects included:(1)Conducting the research on the population dynamics of S. plicata. It currently only distributed in Orchid Island and Green Island. There are four populations in Green Island, and these populations are stable. However, there is only one population in Orchid Island due to natural disasters, and the population is in severe decline and has almost disappeared.(2)Using microsatellite DNA to analyze the genetic diversity and population genetic structure. The results showed that this species has an extremely low level of genetic diversity, and the higher level of genetic diversity (Ho = 0.103) was indicated in Orchid Island. The populations in Orchid Island should be the key conservation groups, and can be used as the important germplasms for subsequent reproduction.(3)Using biological propagation technique to carry out in vitro reproduction experiments for each population existing in the wild to maximize the preservation and reproduction of genetically diverse individuals. The 1/4MS medium is the most suitable for large-scale culture and cost-saving conditions.(4)The reintroductions of S. plicata were conducted in Orchid Island, and p1 population had the best reproductive condition, and could naturally established the new population.(5)Evaluating the survival rate and natural regeneration status of the reintroduced populations. The regeneration status of p1 population is the best, p2 is the second best, and the rest of populations are in the state of decline. Population viability analysis showed that the new population, established by this reintroduction can persist without major disturbance in the next 100 years. (6)The reintroduction of Orchid Island has successfully established the new populations, and these populations can survive, naturally regenerate and reproduce offspring. It should be a successful restoration model. When the restoration of threatened plant is carried out in the future, this restoration model can be applied to other threatened plants. Through the restoration process from population investigation, evaluation, reproduction, restoration, and monitoring, it can relieve extinction pressures of threatened plant in our country. In order to develop a national management plans for threatened plants, it can effectively slow down the declining or even extinction rate of threatened plant in my country, and achieve the international goals of restoring endangered plants and biodiversity conversation.


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