  • 學位論文


The Impact of the festival on local people --

指導教授 : 簡勇成


摘要 近年來,各地紛紛擴大舉辦節慶活動,以凸顯地方特色,進而促銷當地觀光旅遊,但對環境也帶來嚴重的衝擊。本研究以東港黑鮪魚文化節與王船祭為例,以直接訪談與問卷調查方式分別探討節慶活動對於當地居民生活、交通、經濟、文化、社會及實質環境保護等層面之衝擊。 研究顯示節慶活動對地方帶來的正面影響有:在經濟的發展方面,可提高就業機會、提高居民所得、促進東港的產業發展。在社會方面,可提升鄉土意識、改善人口外流、均衡地方發展,使居民生活更加安定。在文化方面,節慶觀光活動的推行,可促進當地文化維護與發展,王船祭喚醒居民對先民開疆闢土艱辛困苦的緬懷。在生態保育方面,已將原本以品嚐鮪魚為主軸的黑鮪魚文化節提升為生態保育教育層次,可喚起居民對生態之重視。在環境層面,由於觀光收入增加,地方政府較有餘力從事公共建設的投資。 負面的影響為:大量遊客湧現,喧囂取代寧靜,髒亂取代清純,生活環境的品質急劇下滑。純樸敦厚之良善之古樸社會風氣也隨遊客增多而改變。外來遊客造成當地居民生活形態與文化價值的改變,已日趨顯著。


居民 衝擊 文化活動 節慶活動


In recent years, in order to highlight the local special features and to promote of the local sightseeing tour, the local festival activities are expanded in everyplace. However, it also brings serious impact to the environment. This research uses the direct interview and the questionnaire survey ways and attempts to investigate the impact on the live, transportation, economy, culture, society and environment for the local residents regarding the Pingtung BlueFin Tuna Cultural Festival and Tong Kang Wang Chuanji fiesta. The research demonstrated that the positive influences of festival celebration activities are as followings: In the economical development aspect, it may enhance the employment opportunity, enhance the resident obtained and promote the industrial development. In the social aspect, it may promote the local consciousness and reduce population outflow. In the cultural aspect, it may maintain and develop the local culture. Wang Chuanji may awaken the resident to memory the ancients’ contribution for this land. In the ecology aspect, by shifting from killing the tuna to the ecology nursing education may arouse the resident to pay more attention to the ecology. In environment aspect, due to the sightseeing income increasing, the local government has more finical ability to engage in the public construction. However, the festival celebration activities also have some negative influences such as: When the massive tourists rush in, it will bring more noise and mess the surrounding. The living quality will down grade and the traditional moral value will also change.


