  • 學位論文


The investigation of hydrogeological environment on constructed wetland-A Case for the ‘‘Natural Ecological Park (Phase 2 and 3)’’

指導教授 : 丁澈士


本研究探討高雄縣政府辦理「高屏溪右岸曹公圳上游河川復育工程」二、三期工程,藉由濕地水收支分析、水文地質調查、土壤分析及水質監測等資料統整,進而對人工濕地水文及水質對生態環境影響,提供背景資料參考。 「高屏溪右岸曹公圳上游河川復育工程」二、三期工程人工濕地位於高屏溪右岸舊鐵橋下,為利用河川高灘地所整治之人工濕地。研究結果土壤分析部分,濕地土壤以砂質及砏質壤土為主,滲透係數試驗結果符合低透水性土壤,其中A區平均滲透係數2.96×10-4cm/sec,B區平均滲透係數8.53×10-5cm/sec。 在水收支平衡方面,A1及B1沉澱池之水收支平衡推估顯示,其主要進水源為永豐餘公司排放廢水及大樹鄉竹寮村竹寮坑溝溝水,主要損失為蒸發及入滲,濕地水收支平衡分別為88346m3及4996m3。水質分析部分,水溫多維持在20℃~33℃之間、pH值7~8為中性偏鹼、溶氧量約2~9mg/L之間、BOD5值在研究期間無論A區或B區都呈現穩定10mg/L以下情形,至於氨氮部分,無論A區或B區其進流濃度不高,採樣期間進流濃度均在0.5mg/L附近,惟越接近枯水期,氨氮濃度稍有升高。 依觀測濕地水質的溶氧、pH值、水溫等分析結果顯示,濕地所營造出的生態環境型態,對在此區域生物而言,需具有對外在溫度變化調適力、含氧量需求不高且對污水有較佳的適應力。


人工濕地 水文 水質


The aim of study is to investigate the water budget, Hydrogeology, soil physical property, water quality and analysis the influence of constructed wetland for ecological environment at Natural Ecological Park (Phase 2, and 3). The Natural Ecological Park (Phase 2, and 3) was made by the high bottomland reconstruction which located along the Kaoping River right bank.The evaluation shows that soil in this area has low permeability. The Hydrogeological parameters at A site and B site shows 2.96×10-4 cm/s and 8.53×10-5 cm/s, respectively. The evaluation of water budget shows the principal water sources in wetland are Yun-Fun-Yu Paper manufactory emissions and Jhuliao channel sewage, and the main outflows are precipitation and groundwater seepage. During the research period the water budget at A site and B site shows 88346m3 and 4996m3. The investigation of water quality shows that water temperature is ca. 20~33 °C, pH value is 7~8, the Dissolved Oxygen ca. 2 ~ 9 mg/LBoth A site and B site the BOD5 is less then 10mg/L shows steady variation and the average NH3-N concentration is 0.5mg/L, the concentration becomes higher while the dry season. According to the results of this research shows that the biota has to have more adaptability with temperature variation, low Dissolved Oxygen and sewage in this constructed wetland.


constructed wetland Hydrology water quality


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