  • 學位論文


A Study on the Visitor's Agreement of Marketing strategy for The National Museum of Prehistory.

指導教授 : 簡勇成 博士


自政府開放週休二日以來,旅遊漸成風潮,遊憩人數不斷增加,因此參觀博物館的遊客也相對增多。博物館屬於非營利機構,除了政府的補助經費外,其餘款項須由館方自行負責。近年來,我國的博物館成長非常的快速,博物館不僅要與同業競爭,也必須與外界競爭。為此,如何吸引遊客到館參觀、增加收入,成為了博物館的重要課題。 本研究以國立臺灣史前文化博物館為個案研究的對象,先以田野調查法進行現地調查後,再蒐集分析相關文獻決定此次研究方向與目的,並設計相關問卷針對參訪過史前館之遊客施行問卷調查,總計回收有效問卷403份,以SPSS統計軟體進行分析後,了解遊客對史前館行銷策略之認知情形。 研究結果發現,史前館遊客以外地客且初次前來為主,並由親友告知或網路資訊得知史前館資訊。遊客對於史前館行銷策略均表示滿意,其中以史前館舉辦大型活動、特展或是舉辦參與公益活動均呈現高度滿度。


博物館 行銷 行銷策略


After the implement the two-days off police, the tourism gradually became a fashion. The numbers of tourists are increasing and the museum visitors also increase. The museum is a non-profit organization. Some part of the spending is subsidized by the Government and the rest amount shall take the responsibility by each museum. In recent years, museums is growing very fast, the museum not only need to competitive with other museums, but also compete with other recreation sites. It becomes an important issue to attract visitors for increasing income for each museum. This research studies the National Museum of Prehistory visitors on agreement of marketing strategies. The methods include site investigation and questionnaire survey. The total effective surveys retrieved are 403. The SPSS statistical software is used to analyze the data and explore the museum’s marketing strategy agreement of the visitors. The results showed that the most of visitors are the first time visitor and the information they got mainly from friends or internet. The majority of the visitors satisfied with the museum's marketing strategies especial for the museum's large events, special exhibitions or charitable activities.


Museum Marketing Marketing Strategies


Guilford, J.P.(1965). Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education(4th ed). Mc Graw-hill, New York。
Kotler, Philp.(1992)“Marketing’s New Paradigm: What’s really Happening Out There”, Planning Review, pp50-52.
Kotler, Philp. (1997). Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation, and Control. 9th ed., New Jersey: David Brodowsdy.
Tobelem, J. M., 1997. The marketing approach in museums. Museum Management and Curatorship, 16(4), pp37-354.


