  • 學位論文


Competitiveness and Export Strategy of Indonesian Shrimp in Liberalized Market


廣闊的水域覆蓋了印度尼西亞全境的81%,因此漁業為印尼的主要產業。作為世界最大的草蝦出口國之一,印尼也依賴草蝦外銷到國際市場帶來的商業收益。為了強化在自由市場的競爭優勢,外銷活動必須發展能夠達成最大收益、吸引消費者、提供優質產品的一系列策略。 有鑑於印尼草蝦相關商品在自由市場的相對優勢,可以創造就業機會並增加收益,本研究試圖比較印尼草蝦與泰國草蝦外銷到日本市場與美國市場的競爭優勢。本研究採用波特鑽石理論、經濟分析、RCA指標作為分析依據,蒐集兩國於1989年至2010年間的草蝦總外銷量、外銷價格、整體產值等次級資料進行分析。 研究結果顯示,印尼的RCA值大於1,意謂印尼草蝦外銷活動在自由市場中具備競爭優勢。然而,相較於泰國卻是相對弱勢。至於透過波特鑽石理論分析結果顯示印尼草蝦產業的有利因素大於不利因素,許多因素影響著印尼草蝦外銷活動,例如印尼鮮蝦外銷量受到泰國鮮蝦在日本市場的不同價格所衝擊,各國進口市場對於品質的規範也影響著印尼草蝦外銷活動。建議未來更進一步確認在自由市場中影響印尼草蝦外銷競爭優勢的因素,並制定與分析因應自由市場的草蝦外銷政策與策略組合


Indonesia has a vast 81 percent water area of Indonesia total area, thus it is not impossible that Indonesia could rule the business world fisheries. Fishery is a major business in Indonesia. As one of the world's largest shrimp exporting countries, Indonesia also relies on the revenues of shrimp exports in the international markets. To enhance its competiveness in liberalized market, export activities must develop strategies to maximize profits, engage customers and provide good quality products. Given that a comparative advantage of Indonesian shrimp commodity in the liberalized market can create jobs and generate incomes, this research attempted to compare the competitiveness of shrimp export from Indonesia and Thailand to Japan and US markets. The Porter's Diamond Theory, economics analysis and RCA index is indicator adopted in this research. Secondary data of total export, price, and total value export of shrimp from 1989 to 2010 were collected for analysis. The results show RCA values of Indonesia were higher than 1, which indicates the advantaged competitiveness   of Indonesia shrimp exports in the liberalized markets. Nevertheless, compared with Thailand, Indonesia remained relatively disadvantaged. Analysis of Porter's Diamond showed that Indonesia shrimp industry have more positive factors than negative factors (affecting factors). Many factors are affecting Indonesian export shrimp. For example, the volume of Indonesian fresh shrimp export is influenced by difference price of Thai's price in Japan market. Quality requirements of each importer market also affect total Indonesian shrimp export. Further researches to determine the factors affecting competitiveness of export shrimp in liberalized market, make and analyze the policy strategy formulation of Indonesian shrimp export in liberalized market are also advised.


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