  • 學位論文


A Study of Parental Rearing Attitudes and Children's Learning Behavior in Classical Reading Classes--Exemplified in Kaohisung and Pingtung Counties

指導教授 : 鍾鳳嬌


兒童讀經是近來在華人社會一項重要的文化教育運動,本研究將探討讀經班家長教養態度及兒童讀經學習行為,以自編「讀經班家長教養態度及兒童讀經學習行為之調查問卷」為研究工具,研究對象為高屏縣市的社區讀經班的家長,共發出800份問卷,回收問卷748份,去除無效問卷21份,有效問卷727份,所得資料,以描述性統計及單因子變異數分析進行研究,了解家長教育程度、家長職業、兒童的性別、就讀年級、兒童讀經年資對於讀經班家長教養態度是否有顯著差異。在輔以訪談法進行深度訪談,訪談11位家長,有關兒童讀經之學習行為。 綜合文獻分析、問卷調查及訪談結果,本研究結論如下: 一、 兒童讀經後,識字增多,記憶力與專注力均能提升,且能閱讀超越自己年齡的書籍。 二、兒童讀經後,親子關係改善,能尊重彼此,並體察共同成長。 三、兒童讀經後的日常禮節與生活自理能力增長。 四、兒童參與小狀元會考,提升自豪感自信心。 五、孩子讀經年資超過三年者的家長,其家長讀經教養態度分數顯著 高於孩子讀經年資兩年內的家長。


Chinese classical reading and reciting for children is an important cultural education in Chinese society. This research investigates the parents' attitudes of rearing and children's learning behavior in the Chinese classical reading and reciting classes. 748 parents were invited to fill out the questionnaires regarding to their children in Chinese classical reading and reciting classes in Kaohsiung and Pingtung. The descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA were adopted to analyze the data. Meanwhile eleven parents were invited to interview regarding the attitudes for their children in Chinese classical reading classes. The results were described as follows. 1. Children’s literacy, memory, and concentration and increased significantly after participating in Chinese classical reading classes. They read books beyond their own age. Furthermore, their moral characteristics were enhanced during participating in Chinese classical reading classes. 2. Their child-parents relationship got better, as well as respecting each other and growth together after participating in Chinese classical reading classes. 3. Children’s daily living skills and polite attitudes were enhanced after participating in Chinese classical reading classes. 4. Children’s self confidences were increased and showed proud after they participate in small champion examination. 5. Parents’ attitudes regarding their children’s participating in Chinese classical reading had significant differences based on children participation experience. Parents’ attitudes for three years had higher scores regarding their children’s participating in Chinese classical reading than parents’ attitude scores for two year participation.


王琪妮(2006)。兒童讀經的教育學思考—以語文、道德、人格為核心。 國立臺灣師範大學國文學系碩士論文。未出版,臺北市。


