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研究生: 何基煌
Chi-Huang Ho
論文名稱: 不同種植密度與追肥時期對切花向日葵的生長及產量與品質之影響
Effects of Different Planting Densities and Fertilization Periods on the Growth, Yield and Quality of Cut Flower Sunflower
指導教授: 王鐘和
Chong-Ho Wang
Yong-Hong Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 農學院 - 農園生產系所
Department of Plant Industry
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 73
中文關鍵詞: 切花向日葵種植密度追肥時期產量與品質
外文關鍵詞: Cut flower sunflower, Planting density, Top dressing period, Yield and quality
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST202200091
相關次數: 點閱:43下載:0
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  • 觀賞向日葵(Helianthus annuus)原產於北美洲、墨西哥和秘魯等地,為菊科(Compostitae)向日葵屬(Helianthus)一年生草本植物。因其株形婆娑、枝葉茂密、花朵碩大、色彩鮮豔奪目、被應用在切花(cut flower)栽培。隨著商業性專業品種育成推出,成功作為切花經濟栽培的品項,在西方國家廣泛應用,日益佔有重要地位,且每年以25 %的速度在增長。在西洋花藝展現中,向日葵切花儼然是流行花卉趨勢的焦點,普遍受歡迎。世界各地鮮切花和國內冬春季消費市場之需求明顯日益擴大。
    然而,在高等級切花,品質決定價格的要求上日形重要。期望能改善對經濟栽培的專業花農於種植株數和追肥時期的正確掌控,對單位面積生產優質向日葵鮮切花產量上,以及如何增進種植經濟效益,提升穩定對冬春季市場持續供貨能力,成為重點研究課題。本試驗以(直接播種)方式,做種植密度D1(25,000株/0.1公頃)、D2(13,000株/0.1公頃)、D3(9,000株/0.1公頃)、D4(6,000株/0.1公頃)(CK對照組,採用一般花農慣行種植之密度)調整處理。在追肥施用量,以單質尿素肥混配氯化鉀肥施用(40 kg/0.1公頃)及控制肥料配比(N:K=1:5)條件下,於三個生育時期Ta(播種後18天)、Tb(播種後28天)、Tc(播種後38天)進行追肥處理。並於S1(22/Dec.) 、S2 (22/Jun.)、S3(22/Feb.) 、S4 (22/Mar.)四個不同播種月份進行D1、D2、D3、D4(CK)及Ta、Tb、Tc之不同密度與追肥期對生長及收穫量與品質之影響,以播種期、播種密度、及追肥期三種處理進行三重複之試驗。

    Ornamental sunflower (Helianthus Annuus) is native to North America, Mexico and Peru, and belongs to Helianthus panicum miliaceum of Compostitae. Because of its swaying plant shape, dense branches and leaves, huge and dazzling flowers, it has been used in cut flower cultivation, and it has been successfully used as an economic cut flower cultivation item with the breeding of commercial professional varieties. Widely used in western countries, it is playing an important role and is growing at an increasing rate of 25% every year. In western floral art exhibition, cut sunflower flowers are the focus of popular flowers and are generally popular. The demand of fresh cut flowers all over the world and domestic consumption market in winter and spring is obviously expanding.
    However, in high-grade cut flowers, the requirement that quality determines price is increasingly important. It is expected to improve the correct control of the number of planted plants and topdressing period for professional flower farmers in economic cultivation, and to become a key research topic on the production of high-quality fresh cut sunflower flowers per unit area, as well as how improve the economic benefits of planting and enhance the stable and sustainable supply capacity for winter and spring markets. This experiment, was designed the planting density was D1 (25,000 plants/0.1ha), D2 (13,000 plants/0.1ha), D3 (9,000 plants/0.1ha) and D4 (6,000 plants/0.1ha) by direct sowing (CK control group, the planting density used by general florists). Under the same conditions of top dressing application amount (40 kg/0.1ha) and controlled fertilizer ratio (N:K=1:5), topdressing treatment was carried out in three growth periods: Ta (18days old), Tb(28 days old) and Tc(38 days old). The effects of different densities and topdressing periods on growth, yield and quality of D1, D2, D3, D4 (CK) Ta, Tb and Tc were carried out in four different sowing months: S1(22/Dec.), S2 (22/Jun.), S3 (22/Feb.) and S4 (22/Mar.).
    The results showed that adjusting the densities in D2 treatment and D3 treatment could improve the quality of cut flowers and increase the harvest compared with D4 (CK) treatment. Although D1 treatment increased the number of harvested branches, the quality was significantly lower, and the secondary products were mostly. In addition, the data show that D2 and D3 treatments, although S1, S2, S3, and S4 treatments in different sowing months in winter and spring, get more harvest branches except D1 treatment, in terms of harvest cut branches and quality improvement index, Ta treatment was the best treatment for sowing in four different months and four different planting densities, among which D2Ta and D3Ta had the best effect of increasing yield and improving quality, and had the highest income. In addition, the data showed that D2 and D3 treatments, although S1, S2, S3 and S4 treatments in different sowing months in winter and spring, get more harvest branches except D1 treatment, in terms of harvested cut branches and quality improvement index, Ta treatment was the best treatment for sowing in four different months and four different planting densities, among which D2Ta and D3Ta had the best effect of increasing yield and improving quality, and had the highest income.

    摘要 I
    Abstract III
    謝誌 V
    目錄 VI
    圖目錄 VIII
    表目錄 X
    壹、 前言 1
    貳、 文獻回顧 5
    一、向日葵簡介 5
    二、世界切花向日葵品種的植株生理特性 5
    三、切花向日葵的田間採收方式 6
    四、向日葵切花栽培法 6
    五、不同播種條件下對向日葵產量影響之因素 8
    六、向日葵生長所需的營養與需肥模式 9
    七、向日葵切花瓶插壽命之測試與觀察 11
    參、 材料與方法 12
    一、試驗材料 12
    二、試驗處理日期 22
    三、試驗方法 26
    四、試驗田生長期間管理與生長調查 31
    五、試驗設計 35
    六、試驗田配置圖 39
    七、試驗數據分析 39
    肆、 結果 40
    一、播種期、種植密度與追肥期對切花向日葵生長之影響 40
    二、播種期、種植密度與追肥期對向日葵生育性狀之影響 45
    三、播種期、種植密度與追肥期對向日葵切花品質之影響 52
    四、播種期、種植密度與追肥期對向日葵產量之影響 58
    伍、 討論 65
    陸、 結論 68
    柒、 參考文獻 69

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