  • 期刊


Commonsense, Error, and Moral Objectivity




This paper attempts to explicate the concept and claim of moral objectivity in terms of a commonsense view of morality. This in turn indicates an alternative possibility of justifying moral objectivity. The commonsense view holds that the task of ethical theory or moral phi1osophy aims at an understanding of ordinary moral experience and phenomenon. In this light, the so-called normative ethics presents normative discourses in virtue of how it understands ordinary morality. Such an approach to ethics naturally imglies that the proposed commonsense view of morality has its own metaethical positions and discourses. It will be argued by the commonsense view that the belief in moral objectivity is claimed or assumed in ordinary experience of moral judgments. Many philosophers agree on this. However some of them adopt certain metaethical considerations to reject this commonsense conviction. J. L. Mackie provides negative as well as positive arguments to support his rejection, that is, his Error Theory and a Humean projectivism, respectively. In this paper, Ⅰ shall explain why neither of them is enough to serve as conclusive arguments against the proposed commonsense view of moral objectivity.


