  • 期刊


The Reconsider on the Cultural Content of the Chief General Office of Quemoy in Ching Dynasty


近年來古蹟保存的觀念,受世界潮流影響,對於「真實性」(The Authenticity)的要求日益嚴謹,並具體的反應在文化資產保存法第三十條的修正上,將既往「原有形貌」的狹義思維,擴及變遷過程的「文化風貌」同樣的受到重視。 清金門鎭總兵署在舊法的背景下,於1991年僅被指定爲第三級古蹟。本研究以修法後的標準,並廣泛的參考相關文獻,發現總兵署遷署原因係首任總兵陳龍基於整體發展戰略思考下的決定,並非一般所稱的「艱於子息」之說,遷署並對後浦三百年的歷史地位有重大影響。另方面由總兵署保存的完整格局,以及1968年修建頭門的「不見木」技術,均具有重大價值,由是觀之透過對這座古蹟的文化意涵的深入認知,其古蹟等級應予重新評估。


金門 總兵署 古蹟 真實性


Under the influence of international movement, the concept of conservation of historic buildings has changed during the past few years, especially on the topic of 「The Authenticity」. This change reflects on the adjustment the article 30 of the Conservation of cultural property law, from the thought of their original shape enlarge to cultural form. In the year 1991, the Chief General Office of Quemoy in Ching Dynasty was evaluated only a third-rank list building. According to the ex lax, this research reviews the document mid tries to prejudge the value of this monument. It finds that the main reason of rebuild this office was wider a overall concept, it also influence the importance of Ho-pu area during the past 300 years. On the other hand, the site plan of this building is still ell preserved as it was in Ching Dynasty, and the technical 「不見木」 (using concrete to modify wooden structure), is also full of importance ill the history of technological. It goes without saving that, the cultural content of this building should be reconsidered, and the readjustment of its rank is also needed.
