  • 期刊


A Simulation for Designing and Evaluating a Differential Pricing System on the Internet


電子商務的蓬勃發展創造各式各樣的網路商店。在逐漸浮現的諸多議題中,如何建立成功的電子市場,仍然是其中最受關注的焦點。但過去與網路商店相關的研究中,較缺少從市場機制的觀點進行研究,使得資訊系統(代理人系統)的設計,往往在技術上成功,但實務上卻產生很大差距的情形。針對消費者購物時詢價的需求與行為(bargain hunting),本研究以系統動力學的理論與方法(system dynamics),探討與評估在Internet上以推播技術(push technology)為基礎的彈性定價(differential pricing)系統設計以及所形成市場機制。並且建立可電腦模擬的數學模型,以情境模擬的方式深入了解資訊系統的設計、定價策略、競爭者的策略、消費者的詢價行為以及Internet環境特質之間的重要互動關係,對彈性定價政策的實施提供建議。


Prospering electronic commerce has brought the development of various kinds of electronic stores. However, overemphasis on technology and overlook of market mechanisms in designing price-searching agent software often lead to serious problems in the implementation process, for example, price war are induced, sellers are not willing to disclosure price information, buyers may not trust in search results, etc. Considering consumers' bargain hunting behavior in a push technology-based differential pricing e-market, this paper employs a system dynamics approach to build up a computer simulation model of a generic e-market mechanism. With the model, several scenarios are simulated and experimented to explore how the design of differential pricing systems, pricing policies, competitors' strategies, shoppers' bargain hunting, and internet characteristics are all intertwined to impact on the success of an e-market. Design and implementation suggestions of differential pricing systems are proposed in the end of this paper.


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