  • 期刊


Signal Coordination Models for Long Arterial: Integrating Intersection Grouping and Progression




Signal progression control has long been viewed as an effective strategy to improve traffic operation efficiency along a long arterial. However, there is a trade-off between the number of intersections and the green bandwidth. As the number of intersections along an arterial increases, the bandwidth-based method is hardly to generate an effective bandwidth which allows traffics in both directions to fully utilize the progression band. Hence, how to optimally decompose the intersections along an arterial into several subsystems for better signal progression is a critical issue. To tackle this issue, this study proposes a mixed-integer linear programming model to optimally decompose a long arterial into groups and determine the maximum bandwidths of each group simultaneously. Additionally, to acknowledge the traffic dispersion behaviors along two consecutive intersections which may jeopardize the effectiveness of progression, the proposed model also accommodates the traffic dispersion behaviors. To validate the performance of the proposed model, a case study on Xintai 5th Road with 13 signalized intersections in New Taipei City is conducted. The results show that the proposed model performs better than the Maxband and MaxbandLA models based on subjectively intersections grouping, suggesting the performance and applicability of the proposed model is satisfied.


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