  • 期刊


An Operation Adjustments Decision Support Model for Level-Crossing Accidents




Once a level-crossing accident occurs, it is not easy to make a high-quality and timely decision under uncertain intertwined relationships among accident evolution, delay propagation of neighboring trains, and relief operations. Based on this, this study aims to develop a decision support model for operation adjustments in response to level-crossing accidents. To do so, this study firstly estimated an accident duration model based on historical level-crossing accidents by regressing accident duration time on contributing factors including train damage, railway damage, fatality, injury, and distance to police station. With predicted accident duration, blockage of single line or double line, and frequency density of neighboring trains, a delay propagation simulation model is developed to estimate the total passenger delays under various operation adjustment strategies, including Do nothing, Passenger-transfer, Single-line operation. In terms of passenger total delay, Single-line operation strategy is the best choice in most of cases. However, in terms of total sum of squared passenger delay, if the accident duration is long, passenger-transfer strategy become favorable.


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