  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience of Caring for a Serious Brain Injury Patient with Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Treatment




This paper described the nursing experience of caring for a patient with serious brain injury caused by postpartum eclampsia who failed to withdraw from a ventilator after undergoing surgery and a series of active treatments, leading to irreversible disease progression. The patient was about to entered the end-of-life stage. The family members faced decision dilemma of continuing long-term care or withdrawing from life-support medical treatment. The care period was from March 20th, 2017 to April 18th, 2017. The author collected data through direct care, observations, and interviews with the family members. An assessment was carried out using the Newman system model to establish the major health problems, including potentially dangerous infections, conflicts of choice, and anticipatory grief. To help resolve decisional conflict among family members, a complete life-sustaining medical treatment withdrawal information was provided, interactive forms were used to clarify questions, and family meetings were held to understand the ideas of each family member and assist in decision-making. To alleviate anticipatory grief, in addition to empathy, an art therapist was introduced to to assist the family produce hand and foot models for remembrance. During the nursing care process, we realized that nursing staff's knowledge and competency in providing end-stage care were inadequate. We managed to utilize team resources to appropriately provide such family care. Therefore, it is recommended that maternity wards regularly invite medical team members to provide in-service education to nurses in order to increase their knowledge of offering care to such patients and families, thereby improving the quality of care.


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