  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience of Caring a Brain Tumor Recurrence Patient




This article describes the nursing experience of caring a patient with brain tumor recurrence. Patient information was gathered through interviews, observations, and physical evaluations during the nursing period from April 07 to April 29, 2020. Gordon's eleven Functional Health Patterns were employed as an evaluation framework. Through analysis, nursing problems were identified, including: 1. Impaired physical mobility; 2. Hopelessness; and 3. Caregiver role strain. To address these challenges, progressive activities incorporating online videos were implemented to diversify engagement. Music was utilized to create a serene environment during interactions with the patient, while the Bible served as a guiding tool for expressing feelings about the disease and confronting the fear of death. Encouraging active expression of feelings from both the patient and family members was emphasized. Hospice planning discussions were initiated through family meetings, during which nursing staff provided information on hospice care and advanced care planning, aiding in decision-making processes. The study can serve as a valuable reference for nursing teams faced with similar patients.


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