  • 期刊


Intensive Nursing Care Experience about a Patient with Terminal Cancer who Suffered from Sudden Myocardial Infarction and Death Anxiety




This article described the experience of caring a patient with terminal nasopharyngeal cancer who experienced sudden death secondary to acute myocardial infarction when admitted for chemotherapy treatment. The patient was then transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU) for further care of cardiogenic shock. Death anxiety was precipitated because of his life-threatening condition and previous experience of death. The nursing care period was from March 10 to 16, 2016. A structured nursing care was performed following Roy's adaptation model. Information were collected from direct observation, physical assessment, and conversation. The main health problems included reduced cardiac output, acute pain, and death anxiety. The patient were instructed the following strategies: to openly express stress and feelings, to improve understanding of disease through readings, to adapt to heath conditions, and to enforce belief to reduce the sense of powerlessness. Medications and other skills for pain control were also provided. This report shares the experience of helping patients face the psychological aspects of a disease.


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