  • 期刊


To Improve the Implementation Rate of Pulmonary Rehabilitation Exercises in Post-abdominal Surgery Patients in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit




Post-abdominal surgery patients often suffer from lung complications due to pain, fatigue, and the consequential reduced activity, which decreases lung volume and affects gas exchange, resulting in readmission to the ICU and prolonged hospital stay. This project aimed to improve the implementation rate of pulmonary rehabilitation exercises in post-abdominal surgery patients in the surgical intensive care unit. The survey showed that the current implementation rate of pulmonary rehabilitation exercises was only 44.0%, which was attributed to the lack of post-abdominal surgery pulmonary rehabilitation exercise standards and implementation of assessment tools, and also because patients did not know what exercises to do. During the project improvement period from April to August 2019, the pulmonary rehabilitation exercise performance standards for post-abdominal surgery patients, the health education handbook, and the patient exercise rating tool had been established and effectively applied. After the completion of the program, the implementation rate of pulmonary rehabilitation exercises for post-abdominal surgery patients increased from 44.0% to 93.3%. The awareness of pulmonary rehabilitation exercises in nursing personnel increased to 100%, which achieved the goal of the program and indicated that the program was worthy of dissemination. The post-op pulmonary rehabilitation for patients undergoing abdominal surgery enhanced the quality of nursing care through this project.


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