  • 期刊


Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms for Dementia: An Evidence-based Perspective




The prevalence rate of dementia is around 1.35% in Taiwan, with nearly 90% of patients concurrently experiencing behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD). These symptoms include agitation, irritability, verbal and behavioral aggression, disruptive behavior, depression, anxiety, delusions, and hallucinations. The progression of dementia places a significant burden on caregivers and increases the likelihood of institutionalized care, presenting challenges for healthcare providers. The paper discussed the pathophysiological mechanisms, clinical symptoms and signs, assessment methods, treatment options, and care strategies related to BPSD. Results indicated that BPSD can be identified by early assessment of patients' cognitive and functional abilities, allowing clinicians to tailor appropriate treatment modalities based on the severity of BPSD. When patients are treated with antipsychotic medication during the acute stage of BPSD, clinicians must closely monitor potential side effects. In clinical practice, we recommend a holistic model that combines localized community resources. This approach includes providing training programs for caregivers on BPSD and related coping strategies, implementing functional analysis-based interventions, incorporating reminiscence therapy, and exploring complementary alternative medicine (CAM). These strategies can enhance the quality of care and alleviate the challenges faced by their caregivers.


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