  • 期刊


The Experimental Study of Applicable Model for Service Courses


大學增列服務課程,已成爲普遍的潮流。本研究旨在探討適合大學服務課程的優良教學模式,以長榮大學一年級四個班級,計162位學生爲準實驗研究之對象,進行每週一節、總計一學年的班級教學,結果發現: 一、教學方法對大學服務課程教學成效與教學回饋具有顯著的影響。以閱讀後寫作心得之方法,獲得最佳的教學成效與教學回饋,報告提問法不論在教學成效與教學回饋上之得分均較差。 二、實驗教學以前是否已具有志願服務經驗,對大學服務課程之教學成效具有顯著影響,但未影響教學回饋。 三、帶給學生最深刻印象的教學策略是服務方案實作;團體共寫也比個別寫作帶給學生更深刻的學習印象。


The purpose of this study is to research a good teaching method which is adaptable to service course in university. The subjects of this study were students from four classes of grade one in Chang Jung Christian University, and they have accepted an academic year of classroom teaching. It was carried out one hour each week. The data of 162 students from four groups were analyzed, and the results of this study are as the following: 1. There are significant differences among the teaching methods when they comes to the effect and feedback from the students in the service courses. The group which read the articles and write what they have learned got the best scores not only on the teaching effect but also on the feedback of teaching from the students, the group of report and quiz got the worst scores both on the teaching effect and on the feedback from the students. 2. Whether one has voluntary service experience before the experimental teaching experience has significant influence on the teaching effect; however, it didn't influence the feedback of teaching from the students. The purpose of this study is to research a good teaching method which is adaptable to service course in university. The subjects of this study were students from four classes of grade one in Chang Jung Christian University, and they have accepted an academic year of classroom teaching. It was carried out one hour each week. The data of 162 students from four groups were analyzed, and the results of this study are as the following: 1. There are significant differences among the teaching methods when they comes to the effect and feedback from the students in the service courses. The group which read the articles and write what they have learned got the best scores not only on the teaching effect but also on the feedback of teaching from the students, the group of report and quiz got the worst scores both on the teaching effect and on the feedback from the students. 2. Whether one has voluntary service experience before the experimental teaching experience has significant influence on the teaching effect; however, it didn't influence the feedback of teaching from the students. 3. The teaching strategy which left the most profound impression on the students was service-learning, on the other hand, group writing was also left more profound impression than individual writing.


中原大學服務學習中心(2009)。服務學習意義。(2009 年10 月5 日取自中原大學服務學習網。http://www.sl.mis.cycu.edu.tw/home/home.asp)


