  • 期刊


Qing Confucians Wang Jin, "Theory Investigation of Things" of Academic Research


清儒汪縉(1725-1792,字大紳,號愛廬)善學程朱陸王之學,體究釋家如來之旨趣,而且有志於辨析朱陸之問的異同,通儒佛兩家之隔閡,又更志於經世之務,發而為文,撰成《汪子二錄》、《汪子三錄》為其儒學的代表作。 朱子學的核心思想之一,即其「格物說」,牟宗三(1909-1995)曾說:「朱子真正工夫著力處實在格物窮理,全部事業、勁力全在格物窮理處展開。」汪縉鑽仰朱子「格物說」,遂撰《格物說》三篇,置於《汪子二錄》的「錄後」,希望成為初入儒門的學者明白「下學人事」的要領(綱領)。汪縉的《格物說》奉朱熹的「格物說」為圭臬,視朱子格物之學,為入聖門之要。


汪縉 孟子 天道 仁義 儒家


Qing Confucians Wang Jin (1725-1792, Tai Xin, Ai Lu) Lu and Wang Cheng-Zhu learning of knowledge, the objective of Buddhism, but also interested in the Analysis of the similarities and differences between Zhu and Lu, withdrew two of the gap through Buddhism, and determined to serve our country and people, energies into writing the article, written in ”Wang zi the second academic works”, (《汪子二錄》) ”Wang zi the third academic works” (《汪子三錄》) as its representative of Confucianism. One of the core ideas of Zhu Xi, that is, its ”Investigation of Things”, Mou Zhong Shan (1909-1995) once said: ”Zhu efforts accomplish their goals at the very nature of things really poor management, all business, all impulsive start in the investigation of things at the poor management.” Wang Jin Zhu Xi's learning, ”Investigation of Things”, complete the ”Investigation of Things” three, placed in the ”Wang zi the second academic works” and ”recorded after the” want to be to start learning Confucian scholars were able to understand ”from school personnel,” the essentials (Programme). Wang Jin's ”Investigation of Things” Feng Zhu Xi ”Investigation of Things” as a standard, depending on the nature of things the school of Zhu Xi, in order to enter the holy gates to.


Wang Jin Mencius Heaven justice and humanity the Confucian
