  • 期刊


The Science and Technology Development Policy in a Knowledge-based Economy Era


21世紀將是以“知識經濟”為主軸的資訊化社會,是一個藉由知識的累積、傳播、與運用為國家創造財富,而形成一更瞭解大自然並有效率應用天然資源的社會。今日網際網路的蓬勃發展,生物技術與奈米科技的開發,預期將全面改變本世代的許多在科技、經濟與社會的發展,進入所謂的「第四次工業革命」期。因此,在此世紀之交,面對新興科技洶湧而來的動態衝擊,所有國家的政府及人民,無不戰戰競競,小心應付,深怕在疏忽及誤判下,喪失發展的契機。 為因應這種挑戰,如何將所擁有之研發資源直接投入經濟產業活動中,應是建構我國的科技研發體系的主要思考方向。以此為著眼,我們應仔細擬定、妥善規劃並推動如何釋放我國基礎研發能力,使成為知識生產力,而建構我國產業的科技研發體系“可行之方案如下:一、提升公私立學術研究機構的創新前瞻研發能力;二、引進民問資源共同開發新科技;三、建構產業界的創新研發體系;四、重整政府的科技決策管理體系。而未來科學技術發展的基本方向應涵蓋:一建立具廣泛性促進(broadly enabling)特質的基礎研究;二、建立培育具創造力之科學技術人才的機制;三、建立以本土精緻文化為背景的科學技術;四、建立低耗能、低污染的科學技術;五、建立科學技術對倫理、法律、社會等影響之研究。 透過創造良好的研發環境為核心,一方面規劃及營運健全的生活環境,好讓高級人才能夠安心的留在我國奮鬥,一方面解放各學術研究單位的知識生產力,使其能和國內的企業相結合,以創造新興的事業。當然在推動的過程中,必須兼顧人文及環境的平衡發展。如此,未來綠色矽島的願景,才能在新知識經濟的擴展中,衍生出新世代的人文價值體系。


The 21st century will be an information society centered on ”knowledge-based economy.” It will be a society that through the accumulation, transmission and use of new knowledge creates national wealth, and a society that understands better the fundamental laws of nature and more effective uses of natural resources. The rapid new developments in Internet networks, biotechnologies and nanotechnologies will lead to all around changes in science and technology and social-economical development, and lead us into the ”fourth industrial revolution” era. Thus, at the turn of the century facing the tremendous impact due to new science/technology developments, all nations are carefully planning their science- technology policies to cope with the changes and to maintain their competitiveness in the new era. To respond to these challenges, our scientific and technological development framework should focus on how to establish a mechanism so that all the R&D resources can be used to help the economic development. With this in mind, we must adequately plan and specify a model that will strengthen the link between basic fundamental research and production; furthermore, the standards of each must be raised as well. A few suggestions are as follows: 1. Raise the abilities and standards of public and private research institutions so they are in a better position to do frontline, pioneering work; 2. Allow commercial and private resources to aid in the R&D process; 3. Establish and promote R&D departments in commercial companies; 4. Reorganize the government's system for governing scientific and technological research. The goals and direction of future scientific and technological policies should be: to create a broadly enabling research atmosphere; to create and establish an educational system for cultivating creative and knowledgeable future scientists and technicians; to create technologies based on Taiwanese strengths and culture; to create energy saving, cost reducing, and less polluting technologies; and finally, to create scientific technologies that will have an impact on all parts of society. By creating such a research-oriented environment, the overall standards of living will be better suited to attract, sustain, and keep talent, and the research atmosphere will stimulate more pioneering developments. By linking R&D to production, Taiwan will have the ability to create newer enterprises. Of course, during the implementation of such a system one must not forget to also concurrently develop the more humane, moralistic and ethical aspects of society. In this way, the dream of a ”Green Silicon Island” in a knowledge-based economy can become reality.


李芳佳(2012)。政府對高科技產業發展之戰略研究 – 以台灣TFT-LCD產業為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2012.00911
