  • 期刊


Perestroika Movement: Political Philosophy and Political Science


改造運動(Perestroika movement)乃是當今美國政治學界中一個方興未艾的知識運動。俄文「Perestroika」一詞,反映出改造運動的兩個核心理想:致力於重建美國政治學,以及將新觀念、新參與者引入政治過程。然而,究竟如何「重建美國政治學」呢?究竟怎樣「引入新觀念和新參與者」呢? 在改造運動者看來,實現這兩個核心理想的良方妙藥,首在於大力整頓「操弄數學符號而漠視實質內涵」的美國政治研究現況,從而致力於「恢復政治哲學在政治研究中固有的核心地位」。誠然,這樣的嚴重指控與改弦易轍的主張,自然惹起一系列的激辯。 然而,這一系列的辯論重心,大都集中在「美國政治學會」的組織體系、學術期刊的編輯方針、研究生的課程安排等枝節議題,而比較缺乏「操弄數學符號」與「重視實質內涵」之間的理論性探究,或者比較缺少政治科學與政治哲學之間的理論性討論,遑論這兩者之間的整合論述了。有鑑於此,本文試圖在專業組織、專業期刊、以及課程設計等的「制度改造」之外,特別從美國政治學發展史的角度,評述改造運動之「學術改造」的主要含意。


Perestroika movement is a still growing movement in today's American political science community. ”Perestroika”, the Russian name, reflected the two ideals central to the Perestroika movement: the commitment to restructure American political science and the desire to introduce new ideas and new participants into the political process. However, How to ”restructure American political science”? How to ”introduce new ideas and new participants into the political process”? In the viewpoint of Perestroikans, the means of realizing these two central ideals are rectifying the narrow parochialism and methodological bias toward the quantitative, mathematical, statistical, and formal modeling approaches in American political science and restoring political philosophy to a central place in the political studies. Obviously, this viewpoint raised complex issues and a series of debates. But many arguments of these debates have focused our attention on the ”institutional reform”, such as APSA governance, publication in journals, and graduate education, not on the ”intellectual reform”. This article seeks to set Perestroika movement in historical perspectives of American political science and to show the important implication of its ”intellectual reform”.


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