  • 期刊


The Writing of Poems and Fus in Tang Dynasty Regarding the Ball Games




唐代 詩賦 毬戲書寫


Tang Dynasty national power is strong and powerful, and the economy of it is prosperous. The activities and games of the masses in Tang Dynasty are getting more abundant, especially in the ball games of Tang, including Cu Ju, polo, donkey Ju, Play ball, and … etc. Moreover, the wonderful scenes of the ball games of Tang Dynasty poems and Fus usually would be the subjects for the poets in composing and singing. To observe and analyze the exquisite writing of the ball games in Tang Dynasty, it would not only clearly present the actual situations of the ball games but also strengthen the characters of the amusement in the activities and games. Also, it would enrich the contents of the tradition activities and games. Besides, it makes the ball activities and games in Cold Food and Tomb Sweeping Day to present the special meanings for the times. The descriptions of the ball games edited by scholars further protect many culturally historical materials in detail. Furthermore, it lets the ball activities and games increase the colorful and emotional varieties for the highly prosperous and abundant society. Hence, this study would analyze and conclude the subject of the ball games in Tang Dynasty poems and Fus. And, through discussing the content and artistic structure, * Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, Chinese Cultuer University the researcher would reveal the special cultivation of the ball games in Tang Dynasty poems and Fus. In accordance with the poems and Fus of Tang Dynasty and other related literature materials, this study would realize the development of the ball games in Tang Dynasty and confirm the artistic fascination and the value of culture in writing the poems and Fus of Tang Dynasty regarding the ball games.


Tang Dynasty poems and Fus the ball games



