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Twenty-Year Longitudinal Analysis of the Impact of Years of Education and Life Expectancy on National Income in 175 Countries




This study collected the analysis of the contribution of years of education and life expectancy to national income in 175 countries in 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020 respectively, from the statistical reports of the United Nations Development Program (2022). The conclusions were as follows: The number of years of education and life expectancy had a positive and significant impact on national income, which meant that after extending the number of years of education and increasing life expectancy, national income will increase. In 2000, increasing the number of years of education by one year can increase national income by 11.2%; by 2020, it will increase to 16.6%, and increasing life expectancy by one year can increase national income by 7.4% to 7.7%. The contribution of years of education to national income was more than double that of life expectancy. Based on years of education and life expectancy in 175 countries in 2000, Taiwan's national income should have been US$26,346, but it was actually only US$14,908, which was US$11,438 less than the national average. In 2020, the number of years of education and life expectancy was also less $10,685. The feature of this study was that the number of years of education in 175 countries contributes twice as much to national income as life expectancy, but Taiwan's human capital cannot match the level of economic development. Based on the results and discussion of this study, some specific recommendations are provided.


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