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The Role of Education of Classics in General Classes-Taking the Courses of the Great Learning and the Doctrine of the Mean as Examples




經典教育 儒學 大學 中庸 通識課程


Reading and studying classical books is the beginning of acquiring knowledge and intelligence; it is also the foundation of the general classes. To a college student, the education of classics can have at least two effects. First, it helps them to gain the ability to study and dialogue with the classical books. Second, through the process of studying the classical books, they would accumulate knowledge about life, stimulate the desire to model a meaningful life of the sages, and cultivate themselves a persevering character. Illustrating from The Great Learning and The Doctrine of the Mean, this article, including mainly three aspects–the meaning of education of classics, the design of curriculum of classics and how it is significant to the general education, meditates on how Confucian thoughts can be applied to the modern society, and how, through reading the classical books, to instruct the students to take the sages as their role models, who lived an aggressive and meaningful life, and contributed great benefits to the society then. In addition, an effort to inspire the students to be self-disciplined and to mold themselves a caring mind to others is also one of the main focuses of this paper.
