  • 期刊


Regulation and Governance of the Internet-the Case of Europe


本諭文係以歐洲國家關於綱際綱路上違法及有害資訊為研究重心。研究標的包括歐盟(European Union),英國及德國自1996年以來所樹立之政策、原則及實踐。所以選擇此三者,其原因在於歐盟所通過之立法及指示具有拘束十五個成員國之效力,且由於其為超國家組組,故在綱際綱路法制的整合統一及和諧(harmonization)化上,尤值得重視。另英國及德國o為歐洲大國,亦為綱路高度利用之固家。其立法及實踐,常為其他國家所效法。是以若能瞭解其梗概,尚可大略知悉其他國家之綱路法制。 本諭文之結論主要有下列數點: (一)歐洲國家雖然將綢路上之資訊內容分為違法及有害資訊二者,然觀其立法、判例、理諭及實踐,規範之重點置於下列四種內容: 1.兒童色情(child pornography); 2.人口運輸(trafficking in human being); 3.種族思想之散怖(dissemination of racist); 4.懼外思想之散怖(dissemination of xenophobic ideas)。 (二)有關綱路資訊內容之法律管制,須遵循下列原則: 1.表意自由原則(the principle of the freedom of expression) 2.隱私權之尊重原則(the principle of respect for privacy);及 3.比例原則(the proportionality test) (三)強調合作關系之建立。而所謂合作關系,包括下列三個主要項目: 1.歐盟成員國間政府與政府的合作; 2.與業界之合作;及 3.資訊交流之合作,使綢路使用者(家長及未成年人)能夠更知悉上綱之風險,及如何有效防範。 (四)英德二國法律除己針對特殊有害資訊(如完童色情)予以嚴懲外,並鼓勵業界建立道德及分級標準及強調家辰管理責任之重要性。


綱際綱路 管制 違法資訊 自律 言論自由


This research studies the regulation of illegal and harmful material on the internet. Focus is placed on the policies and laws of the European Union, United Kingdom and Germany. It is found that European countries are extremely aware of the illegal and harmful material on the Internet. Among the various offensive information, child pornography, xenophobia, racial hatred and discrimination are regarded as the most serious ones which must be adequately dealt with. Since the mid-1990s, the European Union has tried to clarify the issue and explore possible solutions. The basic principles regarding legal control are the principle of the freedom of expression, the principle of the respect for privacy, and the principle of proportionality. Apart from strengthening legal control, the European Union also suggests that Internet Service Providers should engage in some kind of self-regulation through constructive dialogue with the governments. A Multi-annual Action Plan was announced and a special budget was provided for the establishment of a workable self-regulatory framework. Also, parents should be informed of the potential dangers of the internet so that they may be aware of what their children are searching on the internet. Both the United Kingdom and Germany have strict laws against the dissemination of illegal material on the Internet. For instance, punishments for child pornography are extremely harsh, while investigations of the offence are rather flexible. In addition, Germany has promulgated a special law the Multimedia-Gesetz dealing with the legal responsibilities of the Internet Service Providers. According to the law, Internet Service providers are legally liable if they are aware of the fact that the information they disseminate are illegal and that they are technically able to intercept them, but fail to do so. The law has been successfully applied in the famous Compuserve case. Compared with the United States, European countries do not seem to have the problem of the violation of the freedom of expression when exercising control over the internet. The reason is that, for the sake of public interests, all those devices (special procedures, software tools, and PICS etc) under consideration are complied with the principle of proportionality. Indeed, protection of minors and human dignity is the highest constitutional value overriding other goals, although economic development is the main reason for legal intervention.




