  • 期刊


A “VCD Generation” or a Lost Generation? The Ambivalence of the Hong Kong VCD Phenomenon




VCD世代 彈性 翻版


This paper aims at mapping the VCD cultural geography centered on Hong Kong at the post-97 period. It argues that the emergence of a VCD generation marks a brave new age of digital audio-visual consumption. The inexpensiveness, flexibility, convenience and autonomy of VCDs articulate with wild piracy, which have shaped the specific Hong Kong VCD culture. VCD was overwhelmed over other Asian cities with somewhat similar trajectory like Hong Kong. This is the brighter side of looking at VCD culture as being liberated from the old video format and resistant to Hong Kong mainstream media hegemony. However, VCD can also be seen as part of social disorder for those with pessimism. The unruly penetrations of pirated VCDs and unsettling VCD markets, in association with lower-class youth culture, can refer to a lost generation-at a time when Hong Kong was swinging in the political transition as well as economic downfall stricken by the Asian financial crisis. The Hong Kong VCD phenomenon reveals that the ambivalence and complexity of the digital technological revolution cannot be contained in a single view of either progress or backwardness- they are double-edged.


Flexibility piracy VCD generation


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