  • 期刊


The Myth and Reflection on Museum Exhibition Renewal


變化快速的現代社會以及日新月異的知識成長,促使博物館不斷的要求自我成長。而展示作為一個博物館變革成長的指標,展示更新不啻任重道遠,更是博物館再生與成長的契機。然而,博物館的展示更新並不只是賦予展示廳一個新的主題內容或變更展示手法而已,更重要的是掌握「為什麼要更新?」以及「如何更新?」的概念,為展示注入新生命,讓博物館真正的脫胎換骨,可以永續經營。 展示更新有替換與更新兩種,為永保新穎與持續成長,博物館應有一套完善的展示策略,有歷久彌新的舊展,也有與時偕行的新展。博物館展示更新常見的問題有:盲目的展示更新-缺乏展示策略以為方向指引;速食的展示更新-好高騖遠,未衡量本身之條件與能力;對展示評量的過度期待-以致未能形成共識,裹足不前。而展示更新是為展示注入新生命和活力,以使展示更臻完美。本文提出三個重點方向,或可為博物館展示更新決策之參考:精緻化-調整不合時宜的展示廳,強化個別展示主題之品質;本土化-傳達文化的認同感,凝聚地方居民的情感;趣味化-在知識中提供娛樂,學習中注入趣味。 博物館的展示沒有一勞永逸,而更新是一種永不停息的品質追求。唯有不斷的研發創新,調整自己以適應環境,才是博物館面對新世紀,永續經營的生存準則。而博物館之展示更新是一個策略性的議題,有遠見的計畫與務實的執行,正是博物館展示更新成功的不二法門。


Museums in this society with rapid changes and knowledge growth are expected to achieve self-growth on a regular base. Being an indicator of reformation and growth of museums, exhibition renewal not only takes heavy duty but also holds the moment of revival and growth of museums. However, exhibition renewal does not just characterize a new subject or technique in exhibition hall, it also has to seize the concept of ”why do we renew?” and ”how do we renew?” in order to give a new life to exhibits and museums and give museums the ability to operate continuously. There are two kinds of exhibition renewal: replacement and renewal. Museums should adopt a complete exhibition policy including long lasting exhibitions and up-to-date exhibitions in order to remain its fresh and consistency. There are several common problems that exhibition renewal would encounter: first, exhibition renewal is lack of policies serving as an indicator; second, hasty exhibition renewal aims too high without considering the capacities and conditions; finally, the over-expectation on the evaluation of exhibitions, fail to reach consensus and achieve improvement. Exhibition renewal pours new vigor and life and looks for the perfection. This paper indicates three important guides, which may be used as the consultation for decision-making of museum exhibition renewal: exquisiteness to adjust the quantity of opened exhibition halls and to enhance the quality of each subject; localization to transmit cultural identification and to form local relationship; delight to provide both knowledge and entertainment and to provide learning with delight. There is no a stick in time to save nine for museum exhibition; exhibition renewal is a non-stop quality seeking work. Museum's continuous survival rule is to keep researching, developing and creating, and adjusting itself to fit this circumstance. Exhibition renewal is a strategic subject; it can succeed only by farsighted view and execution of striving for thoroughness.




