  • 期刊


Analysis and Application on Color Mothball for Dyeing Process, Analysis Color Quality and Fatness to Light for Marketing


彩色精萘(Color mothball)為日常生活常用之物。近年來銷售據點擴及東南亞、南美等地;由於這些地區民族習慣的影響,偏好色彩鮮豔、色相豐富,衍生了精萘染色工藝。精萘使用上隨著光照時間影響,顏色有衰變退色現象,對於銷售市場是不利的。本研究致力於協助中國鋼鐵公司(China Steel Corporation)精萘生產銷售中所遇到的染色衰變退色問題,探討其使用不同染料染色,評估光照時間對於精萘色彩品質影響。實驗使用紫外光源測試精萘之色彩變退色,藉由實驗找出適用於精萘的耐日光性、顏色變褪色差值小的染料;並利用FT-IR及GC/MS分析討論精萘之成分和探討精萘紫外光照實驗後的結構變化。從研究中確實可找出應用於精萘的日光牢度佳的染料,其中黃色系以Janie pigment 1T、紅色系以C.I. 45430:1、綠色系以Janie pigment 187有滿足紡織市場各種應用需求。本研究效益確實使中國鋼鐵公司(China Steel Corporation)改善精萘商品的色彩品質,使精萘更符合市場之需求並且實際進行生產和銷售。


This research analyzed color mothball which was manufactured by China Steel Corporation. The experiment of color fastness with UV-light test is to determine how much the color will fade, when it exposed to a known ultraviolet light source. In the last analysis, the experimental data from the spectrum of FT-IR and GC/MS described all kinds of structure on color mothball after 80 hours phototherapy treatment as shown in the content. This research reveals that color mothball can have better appearance and greater performance, to meet the requirements for textile market and various applications. This research have benefits of greater color quality for color mothball which was manufactured by China Steel Corporation. In addition, color mothball have Production and sales.


Color mothball cmphor color quality analysis
