  • 期刊


Research on The Relationship Between Limited Types of Sneakers and Consumer's Word of Mouth




In today's sneaker market, the limited strategy is already quite common and mature marketing strategy, but if can continue to pass the word-of-mouth through the consumer, maybe able to maximize the effectiveness of the limited strategy. And between these, brand awareness and the unique needs of consumers also play a very important role. Most of the past research is focused on the relationship between the limited strategy and purchase intention, and did not classify the limited types of sneaker limited strategy. Therefore, this study is to explore what kinds of limit types can improve the word-of-mouth effect of consumers, dividing the limited strategy of sneakers into four types, and add the brand awareness and the unique needs of consumers to discuss together. This study was designed by experiment, using four different types of limited sneakers to match the brand awareness, so there are 8 kinds of experimental situation are studied, and in the process of adding the measurement of the uniqueness of the consumer to explore the impact of various combinations on consumer word-of-mouth. The results of the research show when consumer's unique needs are high, manufactures launch retro styles and exclusive technology styles will have a higher word-of-mouth effect than consumers with low uniqueness needs. When manufacturers' brand awareness is high, manufactures launch idol endorsements styles and exclusive technology styles will have a higher word-of-mouth effect than those with lower brand awareness, in other words, if the brand awareness is lower, manufacturers should try to launch retro styles and co-branded styles to keep their competitiveness.
