  • 期刊


The Impact of Stress Urinary Incontinence on Women


尿失禁是婦女常見的問題之一,此問題會造成病人生理、心理及社交、人際上的重大影響。因此本研究之目的在探討罹患應力性尿失禁對婦女之影響,資料於北部一家醫學中心的婦科及泌尿科病房收集,研究工具採研究者自擬之半結構式問卷,以會談方式收集共得二十位個案之資料,再將所得資料加以歸納、分析。 結果顯示,個案之平均年齡為53歲,百分之八十五的個案在六十歲以下,個案之一般健康狀況良好,對於失禁之處理皆能自我照顧不需他人協助,而個案罹患尿失禁的平均時間為5.8年,但尋求規則治療時間則為最近一年。關於失禁造成個案的影響,在生理方面,個案提到最多的是尿路感染(40%)及皮膚破皮(30%),在心理方面,主要提到的是擔心自己身體不夠健康(80%),及有壓力感(75%),在個人生汘面,主要提到的是到陌生的地方(60%)及難以維持運動嗜好(60%),在社交、人際關係方面,個案提到最多的是社交活動的參與降低(40%),主要是因害怕被聞到不好的味道及萬一失禁造成的尷尬場面。 本研究之結果顯示,個案需要接受更多有關小便控制訊息,醫護人員需要更主動參與病人之敎育,才能提供更好的失禁照顧。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of stress urinary incontinence on women who have stress urinary incontinence. Data were collected in the urological and gynecological wards of a medical center. Female patients with stress urinary incontinence who were underwent surgical treatment were invited to participate in this study. A semi-structured interview guide was used by the investigator to collect information about the impact of stress urinary incontinence on them. Twenty women who had been diagnosed with stress urinary incontinence were recruited for this study. Their ages ranged from 37 to 73 with a mean of 53 years. Eighty-five percent of subjects were 60 years old or younger. All subjects were generally independent and in good physical condition. Most rated their health as good or moderate. None of the subjects needed assistance in toileting or managing their incontinence. The average number of years they reported being incontinent was 5.8 years. The most common physical consequences of urinary incontinence were urinary tract infection (40%) and skin rash (30%). The most common psychological consequences were worry about health(80%) and emotional distress (75%). The most common social consequence was reduction was reduction of social activities and interactions (40%) because of embarrassment about odor and concerns about possible accidents. The findings of this study revealed the need for effective patient education about bladder control in which health personnel need to be actively involved. The findings should also help clinical health personnel provide better quality care for patients with stress urinary incontinence.


