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The Factors Associated with and the Motivation of Nurses Who Chose a Career in Nursing at a Central Taiwan Hospital


目的:本研究旨在探討個人因素、家庭因素與從事護理生涯動機之相關性。材料與方法:採結構式問卷為研究工具,以中部某私立區域教學醫院為研究對象,採方便取樣,回收250份,有效問卷223份,有效回收率75.8%。問卷回收後,以t檢定、單因子變異數分析及因素分析等方法進行資料分析。結果:研究結果發現:一、在十項主要從事護理生涯動機中,以「照顧家人」、「照顧親友」為主要動機,以「發揮專業能力」為次要動機,然而過去台灣傳統觀念之「嫁醫生成為醫師娘」之動機最不重要;二、從家庭基本特質來看,父親職業為非專業技術人員者從事護理之動機以「工作好找」為最主要因素。父親收入愈高者,從事護理之動機,以「照顧家人」為主。三、本研究以因素分析方法進一步把生涯各項動機加以歸類,結果共分為三類:(1)成就動機可解釋38.78%變異量,(2)照顧動機可解釋19.37%變異量,(3)穩定動機可解釋13.21%變異量。結論:從個人、家庭的各變項來看,從事護理動機的各因素年資愈久「照顧動機」越強,父母親教育程度愈高「穩定動機」愈高。(慈濟醫學 2003; 15:121-129)


護理人員 生涯 動機


Objective: The aim of this study was to explore thecorrelation between individual characteristics, family background and the range of different motivations related to a choice of nursing as a career. Materials and Methods: The study was based round a questionnaire and the subjects were nursing staff of private medical institutes in central Taiwan. The total number of randomly issued questionnaires was 330, of which 250 were returned providing 223 samples with a validity rate of 75.8%. The data was analyzed by a t-test, by single-factor variable analysis and by factor analysis. Results: The findings included: (1) Caring family members and relatives were the major motivation out of ten options. The chance to practice a profession occupied second place. The traditional idea of marrying a doctor had the least influence. (2) When household background was evaluated, nurses with non-professional laborer fathers tend to be motivated by the fact that the profession provided a good probability of finding a job. In contrast, nurses with abundant family financial support decide on their career based on coming from a caring family. (3) Factor analysis resulted in the identification of three divisions: (a) the achievement factor (38.78% of the variation in motivation). (b) the caring factor (19.37% of the variation in motivation). (c) the stability factor (13.21% of the variation in motivation). Conclusion: On reviewing the results with respect to individual and family factors, the outcome is that more experienced nurses produced higher score for care related factors, while nurses with better-educated parents placed the stability factor as uppermost in their minds. (Tzu Chi Med J 2003; 15:121-129)


nurses career motivation


