  • 期刊


Congenital Anomalies of The Brain in Computed Tomography


自民國76年6月至77年12月,於高雄醫學院小兒科門診,共收集了12例先天性腦部畸型。男女比例為5比7。女孩較多。年齡平均2天大至15歲。求診疾病包含了透明隔腔(cavum septipellucidi);轉動腔(cavum vergae);擴張囊腫腔(cystically dilated cavum);中間位腔(cavum veli interpositi);平腦畸形合併胼胝體發育不良(lissencephaly with dysgenesis of the corpus callosum);胼胝體發育不良合併後中間位囊腫(dysgenesis of the corpus callosum associated the midline dorsal cyst);完全前腦腔畸形(holoprosencephaly,alobar);裂頭合併內水腦畸形(schizencephaly associated with hydranencephaly);孔洞腦畸形(encephaloclastic porencephaly);嚴重水腦症(severe hydrocephalus);Dandy-Walker囊腫合併胼胝體發育不良(variant type of Dandy-Walker cyst with dysgenesis of the corpus callosum);Arnold-Chiari畸形(Arnold-Chiari malfarmation)求診原因主要是痙攣為最常見,其他主訴有眼球震顫合併視力不良,肌張力不足;臉部畸形;Yolk-sac tumor;早產兒;呼吸困難及水腦症。在這當中,holoprosencephaly是最容易診需要依靠CT幫助診斷。CT影像比較腦部超音波較清楚確定,比較MRI便宜,比較血管攝影術安全,是門診方便,而且有價值的檢查項目。




From Jun. 1987 to Dec. 1988, data was collected from 12 cases with Congenital Brain Abnomalies. The cases involved 7 girls and 5 boys with ages ranging from 2 days to 15years old. Abnormalities diagnosed were Cavum-septi pellucidi;Cavum vergae; Cystically dilated cavum; Cavum veli interpositi; Lissencephaly with dysgenesis of the corpus callosum;Dysgenesis of the corpus callosum associated the midline dorsal cyst; Holoprosencephaly, alobar type; Schizencephaly associated with Hydranencephaly; Encephaloclastic porencephaly; Severe hydrocephalus; Variant type of Dandy-Walker cyst with dysgenesis of the corpus callosum;Arnold-chiari malformation. The patients were initially seen OPD primarily for seizures and other complaints such as nystagmus with visual impairment, hypotonia, facial anomalies, Yolk-sac tumor, prematurity dyspnea and hydrocephalus. Among these, Holoprosencephaly was easiest to diagnose because it was combined with facial anomalies. However the others required evaluation by CT. CT. ofers very efficient diagnostic modality which is better than a cranial ech it is als safer than the invasive angiography and not as expensive as MRI.
