  • 期刊

Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography of Transitional Cell Carcinoma of Renal Pelvis and Ureter



14位病人,臨床上懷疑有腎盂或輸尿管之移行性上皮細胞癌,於開刀前受了電腦斷層(CT)和磁振造影掃描(MRI)檢查。所有病例均經開刀證實。其中11例由MRI正確診斷,但有2例為偽陽性,包括鱗狀細胞癌和威耳姆氏瘤各一例,另有一例呈偽陰性,其正確預測值為92.9 %,敏感度91.7%。至於CT,在14例中有7例得正確診斷,5例偽陰性,2例偽陽性。其正確預測值為64.3 %,敏感度為58.3 %,腫瘤期別MRI之準確度為90.9 %(10例/ 11例),CT是(7例/7例)。此外,MRI對脊椎或肝臟等遠處轉移和血管病變比較易於辨認,此乃因組織對比較佳,可視範圍較廣,因而使MRI有較高的預測值和敏感度。




Fourteen patients with clinically suspicious transitional cell carcinoma of renal pelvis or ureter were preoperatively examined with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT). All of the cases had surgical approval. In eleven of these patients, the tumor was correctly detected by MRI. Two cases were falsely positive including one squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and one Wihns’ tumor of the kidney. The final case was falsely negative. The positive predictive value of MRI was 92.9%. The sensitivity was 91.7%. In. seven of the fourteen patients, the CT findings were truely positive. There were five falsely negative findings and two falsely positive cases. The positive predictive value by CT was 64.3%. The sensitivity was 59.3%. Tumor stagings were done for all patients. The accuracy rate of staging was 717 by CT and 10/11 by MRI. MRI showed better identification of distant metastasis in the liver, vertebrae and vascular structure because of its high tissue contrast and larger field of view. MRI had a higher positive predictive rate and sensitivity for identification of uroepithelial tumor than CT.
