  • 期刊

Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells in Venous Blood of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients by Nested Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction



鼻咽癌對放射線敏感,近年由於放射腫瘤學進,腫瘤局部控制率提,治療失敗的主要原因是遠處轉移,本研究目的是建立式反轉錄酶一聚合連鎖反應,早期偵測鼻咽癌病人血液中癌細胞之可行性。共有40位經病理切片証實為鼻咽癌病患及20位健康人進入本研究,由取病人靜脈血10毫升,萃取血液細胞RAN,選用Cytoderatin 19 (CK-19)mRNA為標幟,進行巢式反轉錄酶-聚合酶連鎖反應,步結果顯示:治療過無病存活者9 例皆呈隃性反應,早期者(第一、二、三期)8 例中 2 例呈陽性反應(25%),晚期但無處轉移者(第只期M0)15 例中 6 例呈陽性各應(40.0%),8 例証實已生遠處轉移者 6 例呈陽性反應 (75.0%) ,20 位健康人皆呈陽性反應,以上收據顯示:本系統之性偵測率,隨鼻咽癌之嚴重度增高之趨勢,但其差異未達統計學意義 (p=0.11) ,值得長期追蹤病人並評估血液中CK-19陽性者,將來發生遠處轉移以及預後之關繴性,以確定其臨床應用價值。




Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a radiosensitive tumor. Because of recent advances in radiation oncology, distant metastasis bas become the predominant failure site after adequate radiotherapy. The purpose of this study is to establish a nested reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) system and to evaluate the potential of cytokeratin 19 (CK- 19) mRNA as a target for detecting micrometastasis in the blood of NPC patients. Venous blood samples from 40 patients with biopsy-proven NPC (25 previously untreated and 15 after radiotherapy) and 20 healthy volunteers were tested. We divided the 40 patients into 4 groupS: cured, early stage, advanced stage, and metastasized, according to results of clinical staging workup. Under our nested RT-PCR experimental conditions, 2 of 8 early stage patients (25.0%), 6 of 15 advanced stage patients (40%), and 6 of 8 patients with distant metastasis (75%) had CK-19 positive cells in peripheral blood (P=O.l1). No CK-19 positive cells were detected in 9 “cured” patients and 20 healthy volunteers. Our data indicated that the positive detection rate for CK-19 rnRNA in peripheral blood increased as the clinical stage of disease increased, but the difference did not reach statistical significance. Longerfollow-up is needed to assess the significance of CK-19 mRNA in blood, as well as its relation to subsequent metastasis and prognosis of NPC.
