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A Window to Explore Children's Minds Through Art Education and Its Changing Trade


藝術是幼兒另一種語言,幼兒的畫提供了一個解讀孩子內心世界的窗口。許多學者認為在幼兒藝術美學的養成過程中,教師的引導及他的教學理念與態度扮演著關鍵性的角色 (Eglinton , 2003; Piscitelli ,Weier , 2002)。傳統上我們對於藝術教育過於側重於畫畫技巧傳授,反而忽略了幼兒藝術經驗及創造力的啟發。在新的世紀裡,全面藝術經驗的觀點(Holistic experiences in art) 與多元文化的藝術課程相互融合,成為幼兒藝術教育廣泛接受的觀點。Piscitelli and Weier(2002)指出新的幼兒藝術思潮重視幼兒藝術潛質的啟發,從藝術教育的過程中內化及加深他們的思想層次。本文旨在探究幼兒藝術教育的重要性及其對幼兒的影響。作者同時從腦神經生理學的角度去探討幼兒藝術的意義。最後,本文對於近半世紀以來幼兒藝術教育的潮流及在台灣的變遷加以論述。


Art can be one kind of language for young children. Children's drawings provide a window to see into their own personal world. Many scholars discussed the important roles of teachers in art education (Eglinton , 2003; Piscitelli ,Weier , 2002). Traditionally, Art teachers put much emphasis on drawing techniques, but they neglect the process of art experiences and the importance of provoking creativity. In this new century, the holistic experiences obtained through Art are integrated within multiple cultures. Piscitelli and Weier (2002) points out that the new trade of Art Education is a support for integrating rich, meaningful art experiences. By doing this, the Art teacher challenges children to a deeper level of understanding, which goes beyond their current mental level of functioning. This article aims to explore the importance of young children's Art Education. The author also discusses the meaning of art for young children from the differing scientific viewpoints of Neurology and Physiology. Finally, this article studies the changing trade of Art Education in Western societies as well as in Taiwan.
